Originally Posted by Snax
Although I would not characterize the quality of bread machine bread being 'bad', there's no comparison to a good oven baked bread. Either is usually better than popular store brands though - which actually are the most efficient use of energy with the mass baking. :P
The Zojirushi I use has a wonderful French Bread recipe. No, the shape is not at all comparable to a human formed loaf, but I wanted an appliance I could have in a "sleeping room" if I opted for a place close to work and school.
Oh, there is the economies of scale. Wonderbread is cheap and worth every penny. I have fresh bread when I want it, and even though the Zoji was pricey it'll pay for itself in a year or two.
Originally Posted by Snax
 On the rice cooker. Plus, the converted rice that many people boil is about the worst stuff I've ever tasted.
We get a double whammy on efficiency by using a rice cooker with a steamer tray on top - which usually works out pretty well since the only veggies we usually steam we prefer to serve with rice anyway. But the microwave is still a good second option there if done properly.
Perverted rice is abysmal. It's a sin what people sometimes do to food.
Never thought of combining functions for a steamer. Could work.