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Old 01-10-2011, 05:24 PM   #1
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Posts: 345
Here's The Problem - What Would You Do?

Clyde The Ride, my 2006 Tundra, sprung a leak.
Well, specifically, a head gasket sprung a leak and now the engine is oiled on the outside too.
Oiled seriously enough that my once pristine parking spot now has a heavy coating of oil spots and I use a quart of oil in a bit over 500 miles. Crud.

So, what to do?

I still owe $9,000.00 so using it as a trade-in would probably mean payments far beyond what I now have.
Then I would have high payments and only a mile or two better mileage to compensate.

I could do a half-*** repair and just throw on a gasket, but I am totally disinclined to do the work myself and 80% of doing the job right
only to find that the head needed to be plained or there was a bad valve, and Dex won't do the job wrong, so that looks like a bad plan.

Dex says he will remove the engine and send the heads out for a valve job,
then he'll replace the rings, reminding me that it still consumes oil and that is likely caused by a ring or a valve guide;
then hone the cylinders, reinstall the pistons, replace the starter and the relatively new timing belt because it is a major job to do later and everything will be apart now.
This almost-major overhaul will cost around $3,000.00.
Good thing I am independently wealthy. Hah, hah.

Now would be the time. Is there anything I could do to improve gas mileage?
Is there anything I missed?
I use and talk about, but don't sell Amsoil.
Who is shatto?
06 4.7 Tundra replaced a 98 Dakota 3.9.
623,000 miles on original engine and transmission, using Amsoil by-pass filters and lubrication.
+Everybody knows something you don't know.
+Artists prove truth can be in forms you don't understand.

Low-Risk Option Trader
Retired Pro-Hunter featured in; 'African Hunter', by James R. Mellon III. and listed in; Rowland Ward's Records of Big Game.
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