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Old 10-08-2017, 09:47 PM   #1
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Have you noticed...

...people with the crappiest cars are the drivers that speed and weave dangerously through freeway traffic?

I've never seen ANY high performance car, even as something as common as a Porsche in the San Francisco / Silicon Valley area, weave through freeway traffic recklessly. It's always a crappy car or a high off the ground, 4 x 4 pickup truck with huge knobby tires.

Same in your area?
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Old 10-08-2017, 10:19 PM   #2
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That isn't the case here. The worst offenders in the UK tend to be drivers of high end German machinery, particularly BMWs.
On Saturday, as I approached the junction shown here, a high end BMW overtook me right through the junction (no truck there then!). I wasn't signalling, as I was going straight ahead, but I might not have been. The chevron-ed areas are supposed to be a safe refuge, but not with that nutter on the road.
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2009 Skoda Fabia Elegance 1.4 16V
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Old 10-09-2017, 05:48 AM   #3
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In Virginia you have to pay the state $500 a year to drive uninsured. My motorcycle insurance premium is 66% protection against uninsured motorists. Basically the worst of the worse pay $500 to drive like total idiots with no recourse to those they maim or kill, since they seldom have any assets worth taking in any legal procedure.

So the state gets it's bribe, the worse drivers of all, drive around killing and maiming without any more deterrent than living in air conditioned comfort with meals, health care, and even the ability to go to college, while incarcerated.

If I was ever incarcerated, I would come out as an attorney and do nothing but file class actions lawsuits for the rest of my life.

This is NOT a thread jack, I can actually tell you the areas I drive through regularly where the percentage of state sponsored motorway terrorists is greatest by the way people drive. As a general rule I avoid them when possible. I see all kinds of vehicles driven by the stupidest drivers, mostly piles of junk and pickup trucks, with a decent percentage of BMWs and an occasional grandmas old Buick like the one who passed me on the right side (not a travel) lane after blowing by me once, only to get caught by the light and doing the reckless pass less than 200 yards after that light.

Ever had one pull out 50 feet in front of you in heavy 70 MPH traffic on the interstate. Only thing that prevented a catastrophe was my situational awareness, KNOWING MY ESCAPE ROUTE TO THE LEFT LANE WAS CLEAR, and even then it's almost impossible to keep another MORON from blocking that escape route, even though the drivers manual tells you to not drive in someones blind spot.
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Old 10-09-2017, 07:38 AM   #4
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In the UK it is illegal to drive without insurance. Driving without insurance will get the driver fined and banned and the car impounded. Traffic cars and fixed cameras use ANPR (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) to identify vehicles being driven without insurance. Even still, drivers without insurance, are a big problem.
2009 Skoda Fabia Elegance 1.4 16V
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Old 10-09-2017, 09:09 AM   #5
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Here, in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) in Ontario Canada, the aggressive lane-weaver drivers tend to be Ricers and premium/sporty cars like BMWs and Audis. Also, motorcycles tend to pass at well above the speed limit (usually a sports bike with loud pipes) and weave lanes.

NOTE: This does not mean that BMW and Audi drivers and motorcyclists are jerks. It means...
  1. The jerk drivers are a rarity
  2. The jerk drivers fit into the categories I mention
  3. Most of the drivers in the categories I mention are just fine (i.e., if an observer has anti-BMW confirmation bias, then they'll notice the 3 BMWs that drove like idiots, but they won't notice the 37 BMWs that drove by perfectly normally, and which didn't conform to their bias).

2015 Audi Q5 "Progressiv" + S-Line + Scuba Blue, 3.0L V6 TDI
(Highest fuel economy for all Audi Q5s on Fuelly!)

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Old 10-09-2017, 09:18 AM   #6
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I certainly don't have anti-BMW bias. I'd love a BMW. My brother and his wife have BMWs. They are the best driving cars around.
I think the problem is, to a large extent, that these cars are very often company car given to high achievers who got where they are by push and determination. And they drive accordingly. Mind you, they also park carelessly and don't give a sh*t for other road users.
2009 Skoda Fabia Elegance 1.4 16V
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Old 10-13-2017, 12:12 PM   #7
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BMWs were the kings of aggressive weavers in the Bay Area when I was there.

Here in Texas it's the guys in lifted Cummins Rams.

In other places it's Impalas and Crown Vics.

In Iowa, for instance, I really don't get much aggressive driving at all.

It really kinda depends where you are.
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