Originally Posted by Silveredwings
they do have the ability to get you so far off the road that by the time you finally do get stuck, you have to wait til spring before you can get towed out. 
True , the bigger they are the harder they fall too.
I used to live on a farm , and my driveway way 2 miles of dirt road.
The ground had lot of clay in the dirt , so when it rain it used to get real muddy.
Across my driveway ran a little stream that only came when it rained.
It was only about 1 foot across and an inch or so deep so you would never worry about it ..RITE ?
I am not one of the racer guys in their 4X4's , I used to just plod along.
So one evening I was coming down my driveway ,,maybe only going walking speed I hit this wet patch and WOOOOSH ,, straight off the road into a ditch.
Zero traction and the mass carried me quite some distance into the scub before a big mound of dirt stopped me.
Slides can be scarey at the best of times , and ones happening at snail speed are equally not fun at all.
My friends made heaps of fun of me ?how can you slide of the road in a 4X4 at walking speed ??