Have you ever participated in a 'Cruise Night' in your city? - Fuelly Forums

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Old 03-24-2007, 10:20 PM   #1
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Cool Have you ever participated in a 'Cruise Night' in your city?

It was a really warm day today: about room temperature outside. So by nightfall, every young kid got into their 'suped' up car and drove down Albert Street in my city. I was surprised that this tradition has started so early in the year.

Anyways, I drove past to where the entusiasts usually hang out (mall parking lots) and spotted a totally tricked out '96 Suzuki Swift. This thing had blue underglow, 15" rims, window tint, and all the fixings. However the Swift wasn't lowered. I spoke with the owner and he said he knew a guy that had lowering springs for his '95 Geo & later took them off because he was trying to sell the car. Incidentally, I actually graduated with the guy in highschool, so maybe I should give him a random call and ask how much $$$ he wants for his springs , if he still has them.

I cruised some more down Albert and even did some "brisk acceleration" with other cars (of course I was always left in the dust). The cool part is that even though my max rpm reading for the evening was ~4750 or so, I still ended up with 53+ mpg for the night.

The most intense "cruise night" I've experienced in was in Winnipeg Manitoba on Sunday nights. It's so extreme that there was vehicular congestion when I approached the infamous Portage/Main intersection and pedestrians had lawnchairs to sit on the sidewalks to watch the 'show'. Even though my Fiero at the time couldn't keep up to anything it was still very fun.

What are 'Cruise Nights' like in your areas?
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Old 03-24-2007, 10:39 PM   #2
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my area? my corn/bean/cow area? yea losts of either older people with cars or middle aged people. theres a few younger (my age) custom car groups around but ive never seen a cruise with them or anything. But ive been in a few cruise nights with my chevette. my dad brings his VW Ghia too so its kind of a family thing. drive up park pop the hood confuse a few people cuz suprisingly alot have never seen a carbed 4banger. or they start up a chat about how a chevette was thier first new car they ever bought. i usually stay for about 1-2 hours just walkin around lookin at some cars, chattin with the "usualls"
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Old 03-26-2007, 04:10 AM   #3
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First Thursday night every month kids gather at the legendary Varsity drive-in restaurant in downtown Atlanta. I took the Beat last month and instantly had a crowd of interest gathered around the tiny car.
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Old 03-26-2007, 08:47 AM   #4
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Hello -

I don't mind noise for the most part. We have Harley's go up and down the street alot. When I really need quiet, I use earplugs.

What I do like is the idea of "inverse proportion" horns. I see no reason not to put a HUMUNGOUS horn on a little car so that it can be heard when it needs to be heard. I remember upgrading my motorcycle horn back in the day for that reason. I keep toying with the the idea of an air horn, but I can never tell how loud they will really be, so I never get one.

PS - I almost NEVER use my horn. Only in extreme "you're about to hit me!!!" circumstances.

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Old 03-26-2007, 03:45 PM   #5
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lol dont come near me then. my trucks got 4 airhorns and my chevette 2. i put them on not so much as i can be heard easier but more of the scare factor... when people hear a louder not so normal car horn noise they tend to pay attention quicker and usualyl do somehting inetelgent... i use them all the time for every little thing too. like if they pull out in front of me and cant figure out how to accelerate when in heavy traffic. with noone in front of them i might add.

i have a question: Saturday i was in walmart parking lot and a few parkign spots ahead of me i saw a kid run accross to go to gamestop (videogame store) that was right next door. i could have sworn i saw another kid runnign behind him a little ways but wasnt sure so i slowly preceded watching everywhere cautiously. he then runs out about a parking space in front of my truck so i was a tad suprised and hit the brakes and hit the horn(4 airhorns) (kind of a natual rection nowadays)for about 2 seconds. he then started crying and ran back to his mom about 2 rows back where he came from and she gave him a nice smack on the butt. lol i thought it was funny but should i have honked? i say i should have because what if i hadent seen him or what if another driver was going faster and distracted? I bet now he will watch both ways before crossing the street tho so i belive i did good...

lol stupid motorcycles dont need straight pipes... if thats the case why dont bycycle riders and small car owners get to have straight pipes or a constant alarm type of thing...

and most sports cars that are extremely low are mid or rear engine and you dont hear any noise untill thier past you...(much like a stealth bomber)
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Old 03-26-2007, 11:19 PM   #6
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VetteOwner -

Originally Posted by VetteOwner View Post

i have a question: Saturday i was in walmart parking lot and a few parkign spots ahead of me i saw a kid run accross to go to gamestop (videogame store) that was right next door. i could have sworn i saw another kid runnign behind him a little ways but wasnt sure so i slowly preceded watching everywhere cautiously. he then runs out about a parking space in front of my truck so i was a tad suprised and hit the brakes and hit the horn(4 airhorns) (kind of a natual rection nowadays)for about 2 seconds. he then started crying and ran back to his mom about 2 rows back where he came from and she gave him a nice smack on the butt. lol i thought it was funny but should i have honked? i say i should have because what if i hadent seen him or what if another driver was going faster and distracted? I bet now he will watch both ways before crossing the street tho so i belive i did good...

You remind me of one instance where I do honk the horn very deliberately. If a squirrel or cat crosses the road in front of me and I can slow down (not being followed), I'll give the animal some good blasts to scare the daylights out of them.

So, we see kids and squirrels in the same light, .

Everything is context. In the long run, honking the kid is probably for his own good. In a different context, maybe someone nearby could dump their groceries all over the place, pull their back out, or the parent might not be amused.


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Old 03-27-2007, 04:46 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by VetteOwner View Post
lol i thought it was funny but should i have honked? i say i should have because what if i hadent seen him or what if another driver was going faster and distracted? I bet now he will watch both ways before crossing the street tho so i belive i did good...
Ya, you did right. Better a good honking today than head trauma tomorrow. And his Mom did right, too. Too many mommies of today would have just been mad at you for daring to honk at their little prince.
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Old 03-27-2007, 03:23 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by Bill in Houston View Post
Ya, you did right. Better a good honking today than head trauma tomorrow. And his Mom did right, too. Too many mommies of today would have just been mad at you for daring to honk at their little prince.
haha good someone agrees with me on whappin kids when they deserve it... i bet you your parents did it to you and are you cryigng yourself to sleep about it? lol i highly doubt it...

got a pics of my trucks. loud in the front but even louder from the sides for those idiots who think they can merge into my car...

haha truck was a mess that day cuz i was rewiring the headlights
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Old 03-26-2007, 06:25 PM   #9
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Same response here theclencher.

I did a lane change the other day and even though I had my signal light on for an eternity and was doing 10km/h past the speed limit to get into the lane, a truck in the lane accelerated towards my rear and honked at me not once, but another time later as if I totally ruined his day. I gave him a little 'brake check' (but not a savage one because the Geo has been pretty good to me) before making a left turn.

One time another truck was tailgating me real bad when I had my red stationwagon. I gave him a moderate 'brake check' just as he was signalling to get into the other lane. He must've been paying attention elsewhere because the next thing I see, the truck swerves to the side, tires squealing and all and makes the lane change just inches from hitting my rear corner.

Tailgating is probably one of the stupidest things a driver can do, ever. It pees off the front driver big time, and one touch of the brake can mean a nice insurance payoff for the one being rear-ended. I always leave large amounts of space in front of me while driving. Even while 'drafting' semis, I'm a good 3 seconds behind them.
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Old 03-26-2007, 06:55 PM   #10
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I do cruise night around here occassionally in my secret gas guzzler (no, not in the garage) but it consists of driving down to "Main Street" and parking with all the other Hot Rods. No cruising and I won't run it hard (street racing) as I have traction problems which makes it too dangerous street or track.

There are plenty of hicks here too. I may be one of them but I don't drink or smoke and I can read. I am one of those freakish hicks - a one off.
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