Has your date driven SO badly or their car was such a mess that...
...you knew there would be absolutely NO future with her/him?
I had been seeing my FWB for a couple of months. Today, I road with her (NOT in the way you think, DraigFlag/Paul) for the first time. It was a 3 hour, roundtrip, so I was able to sample her driving.
First, her car was a mess.
Secondly, her driving was atrocious. She would tailgate on the freeway so closely that she would have to brake going UPHILL!
Several times she would drive so unaware that she braked so hard that my torso would lunge towards the dashboard.
And, she applied the gas pedal as though it was an on/off switch.
So, the question is...have you ever used someone's driving or car "housekeeping" as a reason to disqualify them as a serious love interest?