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Old 04-18-2017, 11:00 AM   #41
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Originally Posted by LDB View Post
Then by your logic you and everyone else must surrender their vehicles since some will be used illegally by drunken drivers or escaping criminals. Too bad for you and the 99.9831742% who never do that but we're going to blame the object not the person. Oh, and order up a lot of concrete to fill in every swimming pool in the nation since they will drown innocent people and children. No pools for anyone. Nope, unsafe objects. Banned.

Er....those are accidents? No-one walks into an elementary school and "accidentally" murders several children with an automatic military issue assault rifle. No one "accidently" mass shoots several people.


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Old 04-18-2017, 02:05 PM   #42
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No, recently we've seen multiple instances of individuals using cars and trucks as their murder weapon of choice so private ownership of motor vehicles has to end. Only police, fire, ambulance and military will be allowed motor vehicles. And swimming pool deaths may be accidents but innocent children are still dead so pools must go anyway. And nobody in the U.S. murders anyone with an automatic military issue assault rifle although I guess it's always possible a member of the military could do so one day. Highly unlikely though.

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Old 04-18-2017, 11:05 PM   #43
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True regarding the vehicles, but those incidents have been very rare isolated "terror" related, the majority of the 300+ daily shootings in the US are not. If 300+ innocent people were purposely run over every day across US cities, do you think the government would just shrug it off as every day occurrences as they do with deadly weapons, or intervene?

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Old 04-19-2017, 05:15 AM   #44
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Ah, so it isn't saving lives that matters, it's eliminating guns. We don't really care about the people, just the end result. Got it. Otherwise we'd care about the 3,000 people killed every month in motor vehicle wrecks and ban the cars from public ownership. And the 11 people who die from drowning every single day so we'd ban all swimming pools and boat ownership. But it's really not about saving lives at all, just taking away guns.
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Old 04-19-2017, 06:51 AM   #45
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I'm all for taking away guns, FROM THOSE WHO ARE NOT LEGALLY ALLOWED TO OWN THEM. I also like the idea of no question buy backs and destruction, unless the bought back gun is destroyed and loses its evidentiary value in prosecuting a crime, which makes the no hassle buyback a problem.

In my personal experience, one of my customers at my shop told me he had contemplated robbing my business but did not do so since he had always been treated fairly. I told him it was much nicer to have him as a customer, versus having to shoot him with my legal (carry permit) weapon.

In fact my life has been pretty much a crime free zone, even after 66 years. Never witnessed a crime (not counting stupid drivers), never watched a person die. Was it due to having a weapon and being able to defend myself? Who knows, to me it's just another type of insurance and I have been a range officer at a range where machine guns were allowed. The statement about military assault weapons is false. The requirements for ownership of a machine gun in the US are seriously strict, which leaves law enforcement with advantages in a confrontation with a citizen.
Do some research.

I think the mods should shut these types of threads down the instant they go off topic. It's stupid to argue with conflicting agendas, with those who aren't experienced enough to know how to handle themselves. Guy picks up $14k on the side of the road and makes sure it gets to the rightful owner.

Now that's the kind of people I want to live around. It's doesn't belong to me, so lets see if we can find the poor person who lost it.
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Old 04-19-2017, 07:00 AM   #46
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Once in the last 50 years, I misplaced my wallet at a garage sale. After several hours of panic, my doorbell rings and the mother whose yard sale I had visited hands me my wallet with over $500 as well as every other thing still in the wallet, with her baby in her arms.

I actually cried, thanked her sincerely and handed her $50. People like that need to be recognized and rewarded for such acts. Truly a shame we are all not that considerate of others rights and property. She drove 50 miles to get to my house and back.

The guy who picked up the $14k said, sure we could have kept it and paid off a car or something else, but the one who lost it might need it to feed his kids or stop a foreclosure. God bless him and I hope his life is rewarding and prosperous.
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Old 04-19-2017, 09:39 AM   #47
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I think if people saw the devastating effects of firearms first hand, or had been effected directly, shot, or family member shot, they would change their views. We all saw how angry and upset Trump got when he viewed the images of the Muslim Syrian children choking to death, he even launched a few missiles he was so angry. Now imagine his reaction if photos were faxed to his office, 7 EVERY DAY on average, of American children with bullet holes in their heads/chests. I for one would be outraged, it would prompt me into action.

Anyway, this argument goes around in circles, we've all made our points and it's obvious no-one is going to change their view even with the facts in their faces. Shall we move on?

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Old 04-19-2017, 10:59 AM   #48
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The President can't ignore the Constitution's second amendment. I think the only one that has been rescinded is the Volstead ACT. Thinking about Prohibition, why not make alcohol illegal? Maybe you Brits should try that. Latest Supreme Court case, the chief justice said "what part of the second amendment don't you understand".

Take away every gun and assuming every gun related death would disappear is simplistic in the extreme. Pissed off People who are not rational will find another way to kill. I have a Russian bayonet with a piece of a gun barrel in my garage I used to get rid of weeds. Just another tool, or a weapon of mass destruction with a proven track record of German corpses.

Now unleash the criminals and leave them armed, while disarming the responsible citizens. Makes about as much sense to me as life prison terms. I'd rather subsidize health care for those less fortunate than provide meals, housing, AC, free medical care and even education for free to those who crap on honest citizens.

3 strikes your out would work for me. Don't like it, YOU take them. Kind of like Castro did with the Mariel boat lift, dumping his inmates on the US. If you value life so much maybe you can take a half million inmates or so?
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Old 04-19-2017, 11:01 AM   #49
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Come to think of it the French offered their prison inmates the option of freedom, if they would go to North America or remain in prison in France.

Guess which choice they took?
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Old 04-19-2017, 11:05 AM   #50
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I've been there. My mother was robbed at gunpoint and two shots were fired, neither hitting her or anyone else. That was before legally being allowed to be properly prepared and equipped to defend oneself. I also know Suzanna Gratia Hupp. If you want to know the truth look at Kennesaw, GA. and Morton Grove, IL.. There you'll find the true numbers and results. Your arguments are all based on numbers that will change very very little if the strictest of controls are put in place because they're all based on gangs and criminals. That won't change. You're wrong but you have the right to be wrong. The good guys with guns insure that.

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