Fuelly missing approximation of aveage speed?
If a vehicle says on this website that it has an average fuel economy of 15 km/liter. But not say how fast you were average were cruising. Then the data is not complete I think. Fuelly website should add information as : cruise / sport driving, Cruise speed average,etc. What do you think?
I myself drive a CB750 nighthawk. On Fuelly only registers "distance"/"amount of fuel"
and I see a lot of 15 km/liter. But at what speed? If I cruise with 120 km /h then fuel economy drops to 15 km/liter perhaps. But depending on when you drive and how it changes dramatically.
I cruise 80 km/h. My fuel economy is average 21 km/liter. That is an huge difference with Fuelly website data.