Ok so there's a movie coming out soon (whokilledtheelectriccar) and after checking out their web site and reading upon their sources. I'd have to say, does fuel cells really offer us any kind of solution? Or is it REALLY a scape goat to scap EV's? Lets consider a few questions shall we?
1. So efficencies between the two technologies? Lets look at the whole grid to get a good visual on what we are up agaist:
EV: power source > stepped down electricity (ac adapter?) > battery > electricity > motor > wheels
Fuel Cells: power source > hydrogen > fuel cell > electricity > motor > wheels
: Methanol* > Reformer > hydrogen......
*Methanol was suggested because it can be carried through the same infrastructure that is used in gasoline today.
I'm not going to add any numbers because I don't have numbers to back them up
Any differences in terms of battery production vs fuel cell production?
I assume the motors are the same since in the very end the byproduct is electricity to propell the car.
2. Driving characteristics?
- Weight differences?
- Interior/exterior noise differences?
- Speed wise?
- Mileage efficencies
- Energy to wheel efficency
edit: 2b) Maintainence and LIFE!
- Life of the motors vs fuel cell stack
- Battery life?
- Uh any other parts that doesn't belong to an interal combustion engine?
- Personal maintainence that car owner must do? EV VS Fuel cell stack?
3. Technology improvements?
- Future potenial for both technologies?
- Should the two coexsit? Or should one prevail the other?
- Different political engineering between the two? (EV's are about programming the electricity while fuel cells is more for the engineerer type?)
4. Why did these technologies exsit in the first place?
- Zero exhaust emissions! Unless fuel cells was created because we wanted to be prepared if one day the earth ran out of clean water? (I heard that exhaust is drinkable)
- Fix the ineffiencies of the internal combustion engine?
- Shifting the economy towards an electric world or hydrogen.
- Dealing with the extra juice, electric power plants have to deal with. There is no free lunch even when trying to create hydrogen. You have to get your power somewhere even for your batteries and that includes the dirty coal plant.
- political? but I thought money was buried deep under the ground! Maybe this will give the oil companies time to rebuild their infrastructure for hydrogen, then they can start all over again with ruling our transportation lives. Maybe that's why they need so much cash?
- Even though we'll remove the exhaust from million of moving cars in the future, dealing with the main power sources are the next step I assume. At least now when we want to control the pollution we can just visit the sites that do pollute rather than convincing the public to trying to buy a more efficent car for their lifestyle.
I hope one day this thread can be viewed by anyone that is interested in the two key future technologies and hopefully will learn something out of it or even contribute to it.
I'll add and edit more as I see fit.
edit: didn't realize that a fuel cell car toook so much space. Look at all that gizmos inside the honda FCV! Man you don't even have a trunk anymore!
reading material
http://drivingthefuture.com/fuelcell.htm (Fuel cell vs EV) biased towards ev
http://www.sonyclassics.com/whokilledtheelectriccar/ biased towards ev
http://evworld.com/view.cfm?section=...e&storyid=1038 (The hydrogen delimma)
http://evworld.com/view.cfm?section=...e&storyid=1040 (Towards a sustainable world economy)
http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/sciencenow/3210/01.html hurdles of the fuel cell technology. A inside look at the Honda FCV as well.
http://www.darelldd.com/ev/fuel_cell.htm biased towards EV
http://www.evworld.com/view.cfm?sect...e&storyid=1044 (ev biased but most recent! and the caller proved the radio host wrong! )