Originally Posted by SentraSE-R
BTG whines about a waste of taxpayer money. Huh?? Where in his example is taxpayer money involved, other than to provide the court services? It sounds like you guys want to strip away your own constitutional rights to fair trials.
typical of your short sighted view. you already answered part of the equation(court services), and since you can't figure out the rest as obvious as it is...
yes court costs--the greater frequency of bogus suits, the more court paid employees are needed. if i may digress, inmates(btw, expanding past the courtroom) are given waaaay to many benefits supported by tax revenue.
what of lost time and subsequent lost money in regard to jurors' time served? jurors=tax payer.
absolutely, corp attorneys and costs are figured into goods and services, but just like taxation, the consumer ultimately pays the "extra" what ever extra costs are entailed. if you think this isn't true, look into big corps workers' comp insurance.
i could go on, but it's pointless--real world vs idealism...they are not synonymous, nor are they compatible.