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Old 06-15-2008, 09:32 AM   #1
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Fair Tax Calculator

for you doubters of the fair tax...


take a few minutes to do this calculator. i was VERY suprised how much it would benefit my family over our current broken taxation system.

may not ever be implimented, but it certainly won't w/out support.

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Old 06-15-2008, 09:21 PM   #2
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I just did that calculator and it said that I'd pay ~1200 more in federal income tax.

Yay, more money to help fund welfare programs.


- Kyle
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Old 06-15-2008, 09:52 PM   #3
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Says I'd pay $215 less. Of course, the state would probably up the tax to make up the difference.
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Old 06-16-2008, 04:27 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by dkjones96 View Post
I just did that calculator and it said that I'd pay ~1200 more in federal income tax.

Yay, more money to help fund welfare programs.

You honestly don't think your not paying those taxes now with hidden and inbedded taxes being passed on to you? Plus the cost (est. $500,000,000,000) of cooperation's to prepare their tax paperwork every year?

I'd rather know what I'm paying upfront, than having something sneaked in the back door. No more hidden back room deals.

While nice this calculator dose not cover everything. I would aparently pay 110 less a year at my income level.
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Old 06-16-2008, 04:48 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by bowtieguy View Post
for you doubters of the fair tax...


take a few minutes to do this calculator. i was VERY suprised how much it would benefit my family over our current broken taxation system.

may not ever be implimented, but it certainly won't w/out support.

been a fairtax.org member for the past three years! too bad that no politicians have the balls to put it on their platforms with the exception of Mike Huckabee, but since he lost, and a democrat might win....get ready for all the tax breaks we've enjoyed these past few years to be taken out.

we'll end up paying a lot more in taxes...and since corporate/business tax incentives will be taken out, get ready for that increase in taxes to be passed on to consumers. so, we'll pay higher taxes again, and end up paying higher consumer prices as well.

don't you just love big government????

as far as the Fair Tax, folks, don't just use the calculator, read how it would actually work. it will lower consumer prices if implemented. not only would you save some $$ on taxes, you could be paying less in consumer prices...AND if you're buying 2nd hand, guess what - NO TAXES. since majority of us here buy 2nd hand cars, tell me you won't save money on that plan.

the Fair tax would also allow for tax collection among illegal aliens, eliminate the black market (for just about anything, except maybe for drugs), and no one CAN USE ANY LOOP HOLES AND NOT PAY ANY TAXES. since everyone that buys retail will pay their share of taxes, and since rich folks buy more expensive stuff, they will end up paying MORE TAXES.

The Fair Tax is what the name implies - an actual fair tax system with no loopholes so long as politicians vote to make a constitutional ammendment not to increase the tax rate after it's implemented. no tax evasion for anyone, everyone pays, the nation's coffers would actually increase, no more deficits. taxes collected would finally be dependent on the country's economic progress instead of complicated rules filled with loopholes.

think about it. read more into it and see for yourselves how it can actually save everyone money and save the government from deficits.
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Old 06-16-2008, 09:29 AM   #6
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Very interesting, I like the idea- but there seem to be international loopholes.

If I was rich, couldn't I just fly up to Canada to buy my $10K rolex and get it 23% cheaper up there. Or if I lived close to the border, why not drive across to buy that plasma TV or laptop.

Wealthy folks take lots more vacations than the rest of us- wouldn't they just buy their small high dollar stuff while they were in Paris or Tokyo?

I think Canadian businesses and UPS would be getting lots more business with people internet shopping and having things shipped across the border.

I agree that it would work with perishable food.

Car companies would hate this.

The website mentioned that services would be taxed- I hope that rent would not be taxed.

Again- I like the Fairtax idea- but I'd like to see these questions answered.
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Old 06-16-2008, 10:31 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by Erik View Post
Very interesting, I like the idea- but there seem to be international loopholes.

If I was rich, couldn't I just fly up to Canada to buy my $10K rolex and get it 23% cheaper up there. Or if I lived close to the border, why not drive across to buy that plasma TV or laptop.

Wealthy folks take lots more vacations than the rest of us- wouldn't they just buy their small high dollar stuff while they were in Paris or Tokyo?

I think Canadian businesses and UPS would be getting lots more business with people internet shopping and having things shipped across the border.

I agree that it would work with perishable food.

Car companies would hate this.

The website mentioned that services would be taxed- I hope that rent would not be taxed.

Again- I like the Fairtax idea- but I'd like to see these questions answered.

"If I was rich, couldn't I just fly up to Canada to buy my $10K rolex and get it 23% cheaper up there. Or if I lived close to the border, why not drive across to buy that plasma TV or laptop. "

you won't save 23% buy buying outside the US. since businesses will not have the regular business tax, consumer prices will stay the same in the US. Remember that it will not increase the price since the original multi-layered tax that is reflected in current pricess will be eliminated and replaced by the Fair tax which results in a zero increase in product pricing and with some products would actually see a price reduction.

Since all income taxes and payroll taxes (SS and medicare) will not be deducted from your pay you actually have a net increase in buying power. consumer prices stays the same and you take home 100% of your pay. that's a net increase in actual spendable income.

that is one common misconception by people who are just getting introduced to the idea of the fair tax. they think that prices would increase. NO, prices will not increase since the original multi-layered taxes tacked on current prices will be taken out and replaced by the flat rate of the fair tax. that's a zero sum equation which will always result in the same price, yet you still bring home 100% of your earning, and that results in huge increase in spending power for everyone.

all of that is explained in the fairtax.org site. all of it has been analyzed by many respected economists and all analysis points to the same consumer price for new items but a lot lower price for 2nd hand items.

if the rich want to spend money outside the US then that's their prerogative, but the fact of the matter is that US products will have a better chance competing with foreign products since domestic products can actually go down in price compared to foreign products under the Fair Tax.

I strongly suggest that folks go over the wealth of information about the fair tax at FairTax.org to find out all about it and how it can save our economy, Social Security, and boost productivity. it is a tax system far better than any flat tax and will put everyone at the same level. those who consume more will pay more tax and those who can't afford more will have the benefit of lower consumer prices. under the fair tax, basic necessities are untaxed via a rebate to low income individual and families. the gov will keep the taxes paid by the rich and rebate some of it to the lower income families.

The Fair Tax eliminates all current federal taxes including payroll taxes which is non-deductable at current rules. imagine taking home 100% of your pay and having the prerogative to spend it on what you need instead of having the government spend it on pork barrel projects. even if payroll taxes are elimnated under that fair tax, there will be plenty of revenue for the government to be had since all tax-evading leaches will finally be forced to pay their fair share. illegla aliens finally paying some of the benefits their getting from us taxpayers since they will be taxpayers as well. since they are non-registered, the taxes they'll pay via the Fair Tax system will not be rebated to them even if they have low incomes since if you're not in the system how will the government send you a check.

the Fair Tax is a solution that is doable, workable, and has been endorsed by many respectable economist.

again, all of that info can be found at the FairTax.org website. It is a solution that many liberal politicians are blocking since it will reduce the waste in government and all of the loopholes that many rich folks are enjoying right now...and since majority of our politicians are millionaires anyway, they don't want to see the Fair Tax implemented. Many politicians say it will not work yet all analysis shows the contrary.

it will bring in more revenue for the government, level the playing field for all taxpayers, close all loopholes on our current tax system, reduce consumer prices, save social security, force our government to ensure proactive economic policies (since the amount of tax increase equals to the amount of economic improvement), make all people within our borders pay their share of taxes, allow US made products to compete better against foreign goods, eliminate most if not all black markets, and place an effective cap against tax increases via a constitutional ammendment.

it sounds like a winner to me.....probably why many tax and spend politicians have been blocking it.
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Old 06-16-2008, 01:47 PM   #8
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yes it's a great plan for those that already pay there fair share of taxes. it would force politicians, the super rich, illegals, and those getting paid under the table to pay THEIR fair share as well.
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Old 02-22-2009, 10:25 AM   #9
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education in florida is looking at SERIOUS budget cuts and many even outside of jobs being affected are crying foul(educators and parents).

i love sports and respect the arts, but if they need to be cut, so be it. what boils my blood is when teachers complain about pay and lack of pay increases.

so, i look around the faculty parking lot and see NEW cars and suvs, many of them full size. okay, we're in a reccession, so suck it up. God forbid if the educators received education in regard to finances.

i know, i could live comfortably on a teachers salary alone.

the fairtax would create the extra revenue needed, PERIOD.
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Old 02-23-2009, 07:31 AM   #10
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The problem with the calculation is the 23%. The proposed fair tax rate is actually 30%. The 23% is just a different way of looking at the price increase to give it a better shine. If it's goal is to be fair, why the misdirection.

For illustrative purposes take a $2 item. The price goes up to $3. We would all say to price was increased 50% ($1 increase is half of $2). That's looking at it from the original price. You could look at from the new price. In which case it's a 33% increase ($1 is one third of $3). The fair tax is 30% going from the original price, 23% from the new price.

Now did the calculation apply the 23% correctly from the new price, or did it pull a fast one and apply 23% to original price, thus cutting it's proposed rate by 7%.

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