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Old 03-17-2017, 04:49 AM   #1
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Ever seen a UFO?

About 1973 I was parked on Colonial Parkway which goes from Williamsburg to Yorktown Virginia. It was a date with a gal I never went out with again after getting the idea she was not interested in me, so I had some time to kill. The spot where we parked overlooked the York River, just northwest of the Coleman Bridge and the spot where Cornwallis surrendered, generally considered the end of the American Revolution where "the world turned upside down" but that is not the point of this post.

On the opposite side of the river maybe a mile or so from my position, I observed a light that appeared to be stationary, from my perspective. Being bored with my company I focused on the light and to this day I can not explain what I saw. It was so fantastic I remember it today vividly almost 45 years later.

The spot where I was parked is surrounded by Cheatam Annex, a top secret military base where it is rumored many weapons are stored with some of the most powerful in the US arsenal (let your imagination wonder). Naval vessels regularly resupply there.

The object I observed hovering almost instantly increased it's altitude by a significant amount. Based on my perception and the minimum distance of 1 mile, my estimation was it rose at least two thousand feet, IN LESS THAN 1 SECOND!!!!!!! (no drugs or alcohol was in my system and my vision at the time was 20-15). No aerial vehicle has had that capability even in the following 4 decades still no vehicle could move that distance in that time.

Additionally there were (or seemed to be) objects that exited and re-entered that "light". The unique thing that I observed, was the "trails"
that indicated the movement of the objects that left and returned. Instead of a normal trail which occurred when the object left a trail that started bright and gradually faded, the return trail was just the opposite, starting weak and increasing in brightness until it met the original object observed.

I took my date (whose name I can still remember) home and returned to observe the object again, but by that time it was gone. the original observation was at least a half hour, with repetitions of the posted observation. It seemed to be probes leaving and returning in my judgement. All of this occurred close enough to a top secret military installation to have been considered threating to any military observer.

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Old 03-17-2017, 04:57 AM   #2
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Originally Posted by R.I.D.E. View Post
...so I had some time to kill.
DraigFlag/Paul, that's JUST an expression NOT a statement of what Gary was about to do with his free time.

Do you guys realize how hard I work to keep a lid on this place?!

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Old 03-17-2017, 05:03 AM   #3
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Originally Posted by R.I.D.E. View Post
...generally considered the end of the American Revolution where "the world turned upside down"...
That is, according to DraigFlag/Paul, until Trump got elected.

Sorry for interrupting, R.I.D.E/Gary. Please continue.
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Old 03-17-2017, 05:06 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by R.I.D.E. View Post
...(no drugs or alcohol was in my system...
Well, THAT'S why your date didn't have a happy ending, Paul. Ever hear the expression "liquor is quicker"?

Sorry. Please, continue.
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Old 03-17-2017, 05:13 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by R.I.D.E. View Post
About 1973 I was parked on Colonial Parkway which goes from Williamsburg to Yorktown Virginia. It was a date with a gal I never went out with again after getting the idea she was not interested in me, so I had some time to kill. The spot where we parked overlooked the York River, just northwest of the Coleman Bridge and the spot where Cornwallis surrendered, generally considered the end of the American Revolution where "the world turned upside down" but that is not the point of this post.

On the opposite side of the river maybe a mile or so from my position, I observed a light that appeared to be stationary, from my perspective. Being bored with my company I focused on the light and to this day I can not explain what I saw. It was so fantastic I remember it today vividly almost 45 years later.

The spot where I was parked is surrounded by Cheatam Annex, a top secret military base where it is rumored many weapons are stored with some of the most powerful in the US arsenal (let your imagination wonder). Naval vessels regularly resupply there.

The object I observed hovering almost instantly increased it's altitude by a significant amount. Based on my perception and the minimum distance of 1 mile, my estimation was it rose at least two thousand feet, IN LESS THAN 1 SECOND!!!!!!! (no drugs or alcohol was in my system and my vision at the time was 20-15). No aerial vehicle has had that capability even in the following 4 decades still no vehicle could move that distance in that time.

Additionally there were (or seemed to be) objects that exited and re-entered that "light". The unique thing that I observed, was the "trails"
that indicated the movement of the objects that left and returned. Instead of a normal trail which occurred when the object left a trail that started bright and gradually faded, the return trail was just the opposite, starting weak and increasing in brightness until it met the original object observed.

I took my date (whose name I can still remember) home and returned to observe the object again, but by that time it was gone. the original observation was at least a half hour, with repetitions of the posted observation. It seemed to be probes leaving and returning in my judgement. All of this occurred close enough to a top secret military installation to have been considered threating to any military observer.
I believe it.

What was the reaction of your date? Or, was she sedated? Get it? "Sedated"?
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Old 03-17-2017, 05:39 AM   #6
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I have a belief integrated circuit technology was the result of reverse engineered alien tech.

The move from vacuum tubes to ICs is too big of a step.
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Old 03-17-2017, 06:10 AM   #7
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There's some interesting chatter on the internet about aliens.

Dr. Steven Greer's presentations are on YouTube.


In short, UFOs began appearing soon after the atomic/hydrogen bombs were tested. Those events drew the curious attention of other civilizations.

Just as there are good and bad people, there's currently a struggle between the aliens called the "tall whites" and another alien group, which, if I remember right, are The Greys.



We have not been back to the moon, since the days of our first visit, because an alien base was discovered on the dark side and the aliens told us to GTFO and don't come back. They probably didn't use those exact words, but you get the idea.

I suppose they didn't get the memo, but, as I recall, the Chinese plan to land people on the moon's dark side. Man, are they in for a surprise!

There seems to be a lot of back-channel Apollo audio recordings of the astronauts telling NASA they were being observed by the aliens.

More recently, there's been some mysterious gov't, both US and Russian, activity in Antarctica. Putin, John Kerry, a well known Russian religious leader, and Buzz Aldrin, a former Apollo astronaut, are some of the known visitors to that site.


The most popular rumor is that an alien base might have been discovered inside the earth at Antartica.

Whether you believe or not, at the very least, it's all entertaining.

Now, to answer your first question... Yes. I have too much free time.
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Old 03-17-2017, 09:32 AM   #8
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I hear there are some 40,000+ Americans with life insurance against alien abduction!?

Please subscribe to my YouTube channel
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Old 03-17-2017, 10:23 AM   #9
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Pop wants them to abduct him so he can beat the record for drawing a retirement from the US govt, which I believe stands at 138 years. he is at 41 years this May at 96.
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Old 03-17-2017, 10:55 AM   #10
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Every scientist worth his weight in sand acknowledges the existence of UFOs: apparent Unidentified Flying Objects. Unfortunately, there are also folks who jump from "I don't know what it is" and "I can't explain it" to "it must be an extraterrestrial craft piloted by intelligent alien life." That's a leap.

Additional fun facts...

In previous centuries, there were widespread reports of Incubi and Succubi -- male and female spirits that paralyze you in your sleep and then have sex with you while you're completely aware of it. Google it.

At the dawn of the air of airships -- those big, lighter-than-air dirigibles -- a new phenomenon appeared: Aliens arriving in airships. There were lots of reports by people who swore they saw glimpses of these alien airships above the clouds, and even some who could hear the distant voices of the aliens talking to each other. Incubi and succubi incidents fell off the map, though.

When humans entered the rocket age shortly after WW II, a new phenomenon appeared: Aliens arriving by rocket, and then by advanced technology in "flying saucers." You guessed it; lots of sightings and alleged government cover-ups. However, The Airship Aliens stopped visiting Earth, so at least we got rid of that problem. Interestingly, like incubi and succubi, it appears these Flying Saucer aliens abduct people to perform sexual experiments on them, and then put them right back into bed when they're done. Curious. Similar to incubi and succubi, but not exactly identical.

On the topic of extraterrestrial aliens, did you know that various species of aliens visit Earth, and apparently, they're restricted to specific geographic regions. Here in North America, we get the Little Greys with those big bulbous heads and large almond-shaped eyes. In Italy, they get only The Lizard People. It's weird how those extraterrestrials have settled out who (on Earth) gets to see whom (from space).


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