Originally Posted by theclencher
yer garage sez 52 
Umm... not sure where you read that. Under 'Insurance' it says $1026 for the 14 months of ownership ($73 a month). Unless you're looking at Gloria (which I haven't driven in two weeks).
That's $1260 in a year ya know
Yeah I know. My cars break a lot. The only car that never broke on me was a 1980 Chrysler Cordoba, however 7 mpg was not fun (and granted I only drove the car 6,500 miles in my ownership of about 6 months). Also, a usual 20 minute oil change place charges $41 now

. I always go to Walmart for my oil changes now. Throw in some new tires, air filter, car washes... it all adds up magically.
Actually I'm really looking forward to $5 gas. Quality of life in my nayboor hood would skyrocket! at least from a noise and general bizzeeness perspective
and my fuel costs would go from about $52 to $94/mo. it would be worth it to me to know how much pain it causes all the 4x4 rednecks
I hardly think that $5 a gallon gas would stop them. It got to $4.86 a gallon this summer in my city and traffic was busier than ever

although I have no idea how.