Looked at comparisons of similar cars to mine and found North American drivers have fuel economy nearly the same depending on city versus highway percentage.UK drivers in the same list show they have about
50% better fuel economy surpassing both the US and Canadian governments rating.
HMMMM are they better drivers? poorer emissions standards? better fuel???? Liars???
No out of 28 drivers who report driving a 2016 250 H.P turbo charged car with 9 speed transmission only 19 drivers actually have that car. 2 other non North American drivers also report they have the larger engine so I will give them the benefit of doubt.
9 Brits actually have a lower powered Diesel powered car with HP starting at 150 HP as the higher HP is not sold in the UK.

6 Brits recognized the fact that they had a Diesel engine so I hope those 6 will not be filling up with gas/petrol
For the 2015 model out of 4 drivers, 3 Brits also show driving the higher HP car as well.
I wonder how many drivers with other cars are reporting wrong engines (hope they report the correct manufacturer ) Could this be the Watergate of hypermiling