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Old 05-06-2006, 02:12 PM   #31
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throwing money away

We need to stop giving our money to these hostile countries in the world. If Iran keeps developing their nuclear technology, something bad is going to happen. If we could just stop buying fuel from them, Iran's president wouldn't be so smug. He said that they do not need us, but we definately need them! (being the 4th highest exporter of oil in the world)

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Old 05-07-2006, 12:24 PM   #32
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If only the US did buy oil

If only the US did buy oil from Iran, we might not be so arrogant about changing our consumption of world oil. Well we don't but the problem is that oil is fungible so if we weren't burning oil from Saudi, Venezuela, Canada, etc, then Iran's customers (Japan, China, Turkey, North Korea, etc) could, but they can't because we're hogging it all.

It is our own stubborn valuation of oil that funds Irans ventures. Of course the same is true of Saudi Arabia, where is a certain percentage of oil money is used to fund terrorism. Our hypocracy is monumental. We give to oil producers (because big oil likes making money), and then we send our tax dollars, and our sons and daughters to fight for those oil 'rights.'

Iran's arrogance (the non-star bellied sneeches) is in direct response to our own (the star bellied sneeches).

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Old 05-07-2006, 05:45 PM   #33
Tuggin at the surly bonds
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Re: If only the US did buy oil

Originally Posted by Silveredwings
It is our own stubborn valuation of oil that funds Irans ventures.
Of course there is also the shrewd dynamic Iran is exploiting where their threat of nuclear proliferation is in itself driving up the price of oil even though we don't buy from them. You'd think we'd be smarter than that...except for that denial thing.
Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one. - Albert Einstein
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Old 05-08-2006, 07:53 AM   #34
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why are you still driving?

Originally Posted by Compaq888
luckily I live close to everything. I could walk to college if they stop selling gas. I could walk to the grocery store if they stop selling gas. I could walk to the bank if they stop selling gas. I have everything to walk to except a job, LOL.
Then why are you still driving to everything? if you really only need to drive to work, then only drive to work!
I've helped my parents to get a motorcycle and moped so they could get 50 and 100mpg, insted of 30 and 40mpg, and sold a bicycle to a kid who wanted to stop driving the two miles to work, and my car hasn't moved in 4 days, I try to only use it when I need to go great distances, or haul stuff, it's impressive how many groceries you can fit in a back pack on a motorcycle.

a few years ago they did a pole, and asked how high gas prices would have to get befor people changed their vehicles, and driving habbits, and most people said $3 a gallon would be high enough, well this cheap gas finder tells me it's $2.84 and $2.92 a gallon today, have people changed their habbits? not really, a few people I know have, people asking me to build them pedal carts, looking for better cars, riding bicycles more, but it could also be said that I know all the weird people in town.

average fuel economy is something like 21.5mpg at $2 a gallon it costs you 9 cents a mile in gas, at $3 a gallon it's going to cost you 14 cents a mile just for gas, the IRS has a flat tax write off for mileage if you have to drive for your job, they give you something like 42 cents a mile write off, maybe it's gone up, I'm not sure, but I've kept tract of how much my car really costs me, and found out that after buying the car, and insurance, and tires, and oil changes, and tune ups, and everything else, that gas is a very small part of the cost of owning and driving a car, so when someone is complaning about the price of fuel going up 20 cents a gallon, that 20 cents a gallon increas is 1 cent a mile increase at 21.5mpg (averge for amarica) added on to the 42+ cents a mile it's costing them.
I have records of every dollor spent on cars in the last 2.5 years, and it's fasinating to play with the numbers and figure out when it becomes cost effective, I did this befor I bought my civic vx, and those pennies do add up, save a few cents by driving something better, or avoid a trip, and realize that saved a few dollors.

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