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Old 10-30-2008, 06:59 AM   #21
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EOC is a big part. I definitely have the engine off more than it's on. EOC as part of a Pulse & Glide routine is where the biggest gains are.

I have a pretty good route - 55mph is the highest limit, and that's only a portion of it. I can, however, get up to 70 mpg on the highway by using a 45-60 mph p&g cycle. Any higher than that and the shortish gearing gets in the way. I'm at 2750 rpm at 60 mph.

Grill block, tire inflation (60+ psi), and Scangauge. The SG is an amazing benefit - driving without it is like dieting without a scale.

This article explains about BSFC and how P&G can work so well. http://www.autospeed.com/cms/A_110216/article.html

The tips above in the "201 tips" list are a good start.

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Old 10-30-2008, 07:41 AM   #22
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Oh, I do have a whiteboard like Beef's at my desk at work. No chance of road rage there.

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Old 10-30-2008, 08:16 AM   #23
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one thing about my cheesy white board (and now just numbers) is, since I have been on here, two other co-workers of mine have actually tried some of the techniques and modifications that I have done. they aren't as extreme as most of us are used to but they are doing something.

most people that I hear want to save gas (including myself) do it to save money for their own personal finances. If I can save the planet or lessen funds to terrorist groups in the process, that is just a perk I guess.

I think that overall awareness is important to me. there was one guy I work with that thought that EPA numbers were unrealistic. I agree with that but he was looking at it from the opposite direction. he thought that those numbers were unachievable. he was suprized when he heard my numbers and down right shocked when he found out it was an auto trans.

also of note, the number on my car is my best (what I consider) honest mileage. I did have one 40 mpg tank but it was because of a short fill. I don't really think I will beat that number until next spring/summer at which time I do plan to update it.
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Old 10-30-2008, 06:52 PM   #24
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Originally Posted by PaleMelanesian View Post
I definitely have the engine off more than it's on.
I was just thinking about that on the way home this evening. I'd estimate engine off-time at about 60% of my entire commute.

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Old 10-30-2008, 09:05 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by theholycow View Post
"28 years old" would make people think that's the age of the driver. Make it say "1980 Chevette" or something...or just nothing, people can tell it's old.
yea i was thinking that people might get confusedbut i thought since it would be like:

28 years old...


or somehting so it ties the 2 together somewhat
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Old 10-31-2008, 09:58 AM   #26
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That's amazing, I don't know how you guys can have the engine off so much. 1/2 my commute is 65MPH roads and while I keep to 55, there's no way I could EOC to 45.

With the manual Festy though I have started to really be able to notice when I'm engine braking and have since started to map out ever very tiny hills where I will disengage the clutch to maintain speed and use less gas and sometimes I let it slow down to 50ish, but wouldn't EOC because of power brakes, crazy people and because I'm still not super confident pop starting at 50MPH. I only get to EOC on one good sized hill and in only 1 direction on my commute. The festy should be capable of far more now that I have a manual trans.
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Old 10-31-2008, 02:49 PM   #27
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Originally Posted by itjstagame View Post
wouldn't EOC because of power brakes, crazy people and because I'm still not super confident pop starting at 50MPH.
If (and only if) you want to do more, here's some strategies for staying safe and building confidence:

- Leave it in gear and hold down the clutch pedal. Then, if you need braking or steering that aren't available, all you have to do is let go of the clutch pedal, which is easy to do (though the opposite of the usual reflex). Even if the engine isn't actually running, at least it will be spinning from the road, so it will provide brake and steering power.

- Practice braking during the EOC that you already do, to see how much brake power you have before running out of boost and how hard it is to brake without boost.

- Once you've pressed the brake pedal, hold it steady until you've slowed a little more than you need to. This gives you a little more braking for the same investment of brake boost.

- In addition to being ready with the clutch, which will provide engine braking, be ready with the handbrake. Then you'll have four wheel braking without using the brake pedal.

For pop starting (usually called "bump starting" on this forum), Palemelanesian has provided some great instructions for the technique. Don't just dump the clutch and keep driving. Instead, bring the clutch up to only part-way engaged -- say, enough to hold you from rolling back on a hill. Then, don't hold it there; just step down on it again after a moment. The engine will start, and once it's running you rev match, release the clutch, and continue on your way.

I do it in 5th gear down to 18mph; slower than that and I need to bring the clutch all the way up or use a lower gear.
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Old 10-31-2008, 04:32 PM   #28
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And always use the highest gear possible, then downshift after the motor is running, if necessary.

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