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Old 02-13-2007, 07:17 PM   #11
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Japan huh.... been there, done that, got the t-shirt.

i allrealdy got a digital camera for my birthday

I ♥ my EM2

Need this stuff gone![/B]
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Old 02-14-2007, 08:24 PM   #12
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dont they have some really nice cameras there so get one there while ur there.

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Old 02-14-2007, 10:55 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by repete86 View Post
My advice: get a 35mm SLR.

The quality of digital isn't even close to that of film yet.
EEEEEEKKKKKK . ARE YOU INSANE ?!?! Dont bring up the digital versus film debate unless you want to be flamed !!!!

I have found this topic is the fastest way to get peoples back up., but anyway , I'me going to add my bit to it too.

The buyers of digital cameras are often items are odd people.
They like to think that embracing the new technowledgy that they are getting more advanced results , sharper pictures ,,and that sort of stuff --- and in the mean time they choose to ignore the fact older tech stuff that does work better.

They choose to ignore fundamental flaws in digital cameras.

There inability to reproduce colors properly ,, in fact , they have a limited number of colors they can make.
To be really accurate , digital camera sensors are not even in color.(black and white)
They only record brightness (and this range is limited and in digital steps) of light after it passes through colored filters.

After interpolation it then guesses the appropriate color for each pixel.
This is done in the cameras computer and it compares the surrounding pixels.

Still it doesnt always do a good job.
Heres a simple test...
Get a digital camera and take a pic of something that is deep violet in color.
Uploaded it to the pc and amazingly it is now a perfect royal blue.
I have seen this in 90% of digital cameras.

Often the resolution number is what sells a new camera ..
¨My old camera doesn't have enough pixels¨ etc etc.
Again it is often ignored that a 35 mm film camera has the equivalent resolution to a 16 megapixel digital camera.

Current construction methods limit the amount of pixels that we are likely to see for sale.
They have to discard a higher percentage of large sensors during manufacture because of faults.
Smaller sensors (less Mp) are better for their profit margin as less get discarded.
Unless they make the sensors in zero gravity costs of large sensors will be kept high.,, and I don't think that sensors made in space will cost less.

Digital camera sensors also have another problem compared to film . they are TOO FLAT.
Light is formed by radiation made of many different wavelengths.
These light particles propagate (travel) differently to each other based on frequency.
The color ¨white¨ (which is made up of light from all the colors of the spectrum) when focussed exactly onto one point of the sensor should register as white , but it doesnt.
Different color components of white will arrive at the sensor either too soon or too late (because of their wavelength) to be registered properly.
On a film camera the surface is a very rough (by comparison) surface , something like the rods and cones of our eyes retina.
This uneven surface has enough height variance to capture all of the different wavelength of the colors.
This again has an influence on how the camera will make colors.

Yet another problem with digital camera sensors are dead pixels that will leave annoying bright or dark spots on each and every picture you take , but I wont get into that.

The home PC.
Ok , so now will be saying -¨well my pictures look great on my big computer monitor , how can the resolution be bad ?¨
Computer monitors usually have a dpi or ppi range between 72-90 dpi., which by comparison to the minimum resolution needed for printing (240ppi) is very low.
This means ,,that for viewing on the computer high megapixel cameras wont offer substantially better picture quality, because the display is low resolution.

An image from a 10 megapixel camera resized down to fit your screen wont look much different as a image from a 4 mp camera resized to the same size.

If you want quality images on paper you need high resolution.

Digital files that we deem as valuable need a reliable long term storage solution , and this is not as easy and as sure as it seems.
Web storage is possible , but not too good if there are major failures of hardware or communications.
Years of archived material COULD go missing with the flick of a switch.

CD's were meant to have an archive life of a hundred years , but in many cases the disc are unreadable after 10.

Media formats will change , who says that in a hundred years computers will be able to read CD roms and display JPG's .....

..Yet photographs taken over a hundred years ago and printed on paper are still surviving well.

Are digital cameras worth it ???
Thats of course up to the individual to decide.

But for me , it will take many years of development until they pass 60 megapixel (yes sixty) and equal what gear I have rite now .!

PS. I haven't even touched on the special requirements for digital lenses which are often not met which create aboritions , or the variation between the colors that you see on your monitor and what is then printed out on paper., or viewed on a different monitor.
Shall I continue ?!?!?
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Old 02-15-2007, 05:45 AM   #14
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*sigh* Thanks to those few people who said something helpful.

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