Cryptocurrency / Bought my first
Because they can do it with zero objection, governments print money to pay their debts.
Other countries are currently detaching the US dollar from the Petro Dollar. The "air", so to speak, is being slowly let out of the US dollar. It and other fiat currencies are growing more worthless daily.
The USA prints $$$ to fund its endless wars. That alone is disgusting.
Compared to the COMBINED top ten military spenders, the USA spends 8x as much $$$.
The USA fights countries that can NOT fight back. That's cowardly. The USA is the "school yard bully".
Anyways, two days ago, I just bought 5 Ethereum coins at $358 each.
Bitcoin is currently at US$8,000+ per coin.
Bitcoin is having technical problems with transactions taking a lot of time to close. Nonetheless, pundits feel Bitcoin will go to US$500,000 each by 2020.
Two pundits feel Ethereum will surpass the Bitcoin's value, because of technical differences too difficult to describe here.
Anyone else into crytos? How long? And, if you don't mind, how invested?