Originally Posted by dkjones96
I saw in today's paper that congress declined the extension of the 30% tax credit for new solar installations. So far, it's ruined my day. At a time like this, where people are finally conserving and being much less wasteful the government comes in and pulls this.
Tis' the reason I haven't turned my TV on in 8 weeks to even watch the morning news. It just ends up ruining my day.
i'm with ya! my local utility authority is expected to pass a 13% rate increase very soon. thanks for rewarding my conservation pratices!
sorry for what will be said next but...
right now, i really don't give a flip about the sensational global warming agenda. working families need a break, WE NEED TO DRILL!!!!!!
we're getting hit from all angles: utilities, groceries, taxes, etc due in large(st) part to fuel prices. i feel like calling the trash company to cancel my service and burn my garbage. and i might start wood burning my meals.
problem is, even if we start new drilling tomorrow, it's gonna take time get production of fuel up. the damage has been done.
yes, i too, am frustrated!