Credit card fraud -- protect yourself! - Fuelly Forums

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Old 11-13-2008, 07:04 AM   #1
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Exclamation Credit card fraud -- protect yourself!

Check your credit card statements!!!

A few months ago, I received a $69.99 charge for on one of my credit cards. I had never done any business with them or any company that I can identify as affiliated with them. Of course, I disputed it with the bank.

I'm not the only one. Just google for or see a couple stories just like mine:

So, yesterday I received mail from the bank. In it, there is a letter from insisting that I DID order some useless service from them, which I did not and would not do. They claim that I may have done it through their other site, which again, I did not and would not do. The letter included the offer that they say was sent to me (which I've never seen) and which they claim I clicked on and entered my information. The offer is signed "Danial Greenberg, CEO". They claim that the offer was sent in email, but did not provide an email address to which it was sent or any headers.

How many people have not noticed the charge on their credit card? How much money have these criminals made?

How did they get my credit card number? Security breach at somewhere that I've used it?

How can I make sure they will never do it again, and will be punished and required to repay all the stolen money?
This sig may return, some day.
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