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Old 05-26-2008, 09:47 AM   #31
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I think the documentary "GasHole" sheds alot of light on some of these mentioned conspiracy theories.

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Old 06-02-2008, 12:13 PM   #32
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ok im not saying its true but as far as conspiracy theorys,

9/11 - watch

think of credit card companies. how do they make money? from interest. how would having people pay less taxes and at the same time spending billions of dollars to pay for the war and everything else benefit anyone? it would if you were the one recieving the interest on all the debt we are in.

what does everyone always warn you about with credit cards? dont use them, unless you are going to pay the balance off at the end of the month. why would our government not want to follow that same advice?

and gas - try to find and watch "who killed the electric car"

not trying to offend anyone with any of this stuff i just wrote.

my cousin is now in iraq and i hate that. George bush misled a lot of sheep with the whole iraq bs, iraq is not afganistan. its blantantly obvious to me that he misled americans and unfortunately a lot of people didnt seem to want to use their own brains during all of this war bs from the begining and only now are they "dissatisfied" by George Bush.

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Old 06-02-2008, 12:27 PM   #33
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also with credit card companies, they make money with the vendors that sell products that take those credit cards. the percentage that they pay differs if they slide the card or have to input the card numbers manually.

they still make money if you are buying stuff and then paying your card off immediately, they just make it from the vendors and not from the customers. they doubly like the customer that keeps a balance. then they get paid twice.
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Old 06-02-2008, 04:10 PM   #34
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Originally Posted by meangreen View Post
George bush misled a lot of sheep with the whole iraq bs, iraq is not afganistan. its blantantly obvious to me that he misled americans and unfortunately a lot of people didnt seem to want to use their own brains during all of this war bs from the begining and only now are they "dissatisfied" by George Bush.
yes it's weird how no one else(congress) voted for the war and we still went into iraq. crazy too how the prez wrote the intelligence report on iraq ALONE.

and what of the 22 resolutions and countless months sadam was given to prove being clean? yes, our prez influenced the UN to allow for the delay of the inspectors so that he could make ready a war plan.

oh, and katrina! the leader of the free world gave direct orders for that local gov't to refuse FREE transport(buses and train cars) out of harms way.

and of course, the fuel prices...because he owns oil, he needed to maximize his profits just BEFORE leaving office. crude is really cheap and everyone knows fuel taxes are a fallacy. or maybe they're DIRECTLY deposited into his bank account!

lastly, the democrats asked(and got) votes on two stipulations: end the war and impeach W.
this guy is amazing, he performed a whodini(spelling?, so what!) and got out of BOTH!

ok, i'm convinced! the anti-Christ is among us. no one else could have so much power over people.

BTW, tomorrow will be one year since i lost a friend in the fight against terrorism. please, all of you, if you support the war or not, support our troops anyway that you can! prayer, money, gifts, or whatever else you can do for them and their families at home w/out them.
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Old 06-03-2008, 07:56 AM   #35
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My view:

Conspiracies could happen, and have happened in the past. However, for one to be successful it has to have an absolute minimum number of participants. The concept of a wide scale "secret" conspiracy, I think, just doesn't fly. The more players you have involved, the less it is a conspiracy and the more it becomes an open plan.

Now that said, there are some pretty rotten open plans on the books right now, but they're hardly secret, though some are a bit obscure unless you're looking for them. Actual real life grand conspiracies are probably played out and regaled to the waste bins of history, given the nature of the information age.

I don't think any side of the global warming debate are is in any kind of conspiracy, I think they simply disagree. I also tend to believe that much of the pro-"humans done it" leadership types are in fact pretty anti-human, ivory tower and tend to see themselves as The Enlightened Anointed To Rule Us All Representatives Of Reason, but that's not the nature of a conspiracy so much as it is a mindset that sees fault in humanity qua humanity.

It's hard for me to deduce a conspiracy about a topic so vague and undefined and unsubstantiated at this point, to be honest.

Other political conspiracies, meh, seems to me like so much of a wash. Sure, some folks in a small enough cabal can engineer change in a particular direction. Maybe even are doing so. But a "the whole XYZ is in on it" thing, dunno, doesn't compute.
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Old 06-03-2008, 09:51 AM   #36
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Originally Posted by bowtieguy View Post
yes it's weird how no one else(congress) voted for the war and we still went into iraq. crazy too how the prez wrote the intelligence report on iraq ALONE.

and what of the 22 resolutions and countless months sadam was given to prove being clean? yes, our prez influenced the UN to allow for the delay of the inspectors so that he could make ready a war plan.

oh, and katrina! the leader of the free world gave direct orders for that local gov't to refuse FREE transport(buses and train cars) out of harms way.

and of course, the fuel prices...because he owns oil, he needed to maximize his profits just BEFORE leaving office. crude is really cheap and everyone knows fuel taxes are a fallacy. or maybe they're DIRECTLY deposited into his bank account!

lastly, the democrats asked(and got) votes on two stipulations: end the war and impeach W.
this guy is amazing, he performed a whodini(spelling?, so what!) and got out of BOTH!

ok, i'm convinced! the anti-Christ is among us. no one else could have so much power over people.

BTW, tomorrow will be one year since i lost a friend in the fight against terrorism. please, all of you, if you support the war or not, support our troops anyway that you can! prayer, money, gifts, or whatever else you can do for them and their families at home w/out them.
I'm not really sure if you are being sarcastic or what?

Some of his former aids are saying he had the intention to go to war with iraq reguardless.
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Old 06-03-2008, 09:58 AM   #37
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Bush killed the dinosaurs!!!!!!!!
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Old 06-03-2008, 10:04 AM   #38
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Originally Posted by Hateful View Post
Bush killed the dinosaurs!!!!!!!!
Dinosaurs never existed. All those bones were fabricated/created by anti-christians to TRY and make people doubt the truthfulness of the bible.
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Old 06-03-2008, 10:12 AM   #39
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dinosaur bones are the bones of the beasts and giants of the land in the time before the great flood and after satan and his angel followers (now demons) inhabited the earth and impregnated the women of the earth.

this also explains out why they became extinct (drowned)

all depends on how you believe
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Old 06-03-2008, 11:12 AM   #40
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Originally Posted by BEEF View Post
...after satan and his angel followers (now demons) inhabited the earth and impregnated the women of the earth...
Genesis Chapter 6 is referring to those who knew and followed the Truth, "the sons of God" (the descendants of Abel and/or Seth), marrying or having "relations" with those who despised the truth (the descendants of Cain), referred to as "the daughters of men."

When believers marry non-believers, the outcome is usually that the believer loses the Truth (or light) they have been given, and are corrupted by the behaviors/customs/religions of the non-believer. It even happened to the wisest person ever - Solomon. Seldom does the non-believer become converted by the believer. Hence the warning to be "equally yoked."

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