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Old 05-15-2008, 07:21 PM   #11
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SD26 - 1 Timothy 6:10 - love of money is the root of all evil. It's in there. It's also in the Old Testament - will look it up. Money itself is just fine, it's the love of it - putting acquiring money above everything else, especially God.

Nice to be able to coherently discuss things without getting into flamewars. I do like that this site can have severely off-topic discussions - this whole forum - very nice - and we try to discuss things intelligently.

I do agree - money is not greed - it's the way some go about acquiring money, wealth, power, etc.

My personal favorite hobby is donating to my local food bank. It's not required, it's just what I enjoy. Figuring out how to get a lot for my money and then be able to give that away - happiness.

Looking to trade for an early 1988 Honda CRX HF (Pillar mounted seat belts)
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Old 05-15-2008, 07:42 PM   #12
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figured I'd share

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Old 05-15-2008, 08:51 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by 1993CivicVX View Post
The global warming conspiracy I just don't follow. If anything, the government has lost tax money because of this theory because they give tax breaks on Hybrid vehicles. I've seen videos and heard arguments against the popular view on Global Warming, but I don't find it all that compelling. What do other people think? There seems to be worldwide scientific consensus, and yet there is a large faction of people that feel VERY adamant that it is not based in sound science--why? Is there anything to their arguments? Be curious to see what people think on these boards.
Conservatives think it's a conspiracy by socialists to push socialism & world government by creating public fear. Of course, corporate public relations firms & conservative think tanks are quite obliging in regards to propagating this view, via talking points & the promotion of global warming "skepticism".
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Old 05-16-2008, 10:48 AM   #14
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I don't believe the bulk of coincidence is conspiracy as much as it is people of like mind moving the world within their sphere of influence toward a common end. The balance of power for different factions changes back and forth over time.

Conspiracy theorists, in my opinion, are unable to grasp a world in which they cannot make changes of any importance. They can't deal with it. So, it MUST be a conspiracy if it's bigger than they are. Alternately, they may have been dropped on their head too many times while they were babies...

What was most instructional in the development of my world view happened during the 80s while I was a communications center troop during the cold war. I got to see some pretty neat stuff going over the wires.

I would see things that were culminations of the best of our DOD and think-tank minds, human intel, satellite intel, radio intercepts, and other types of intel. The number of items, the players, the end game, the support systems, and the way/shape/form were known quantities. It was all there in black and white.

But then I'd see some of this same information on the nightly news. Top Secret and above stuff right there on TV! Wild. But the numbers weren't the same. The players weren't always right. The end game was editorialized and generally was spun by the news readers for their team. The story was the same over all the networks. Some of it was correct, but an awful lot of it was not.

Seeing this mis-and disinformation from the news people America trusted made me a bit cynical. If they could be THAT incorrect over known things, what else are they wrong about? How much of what they presented was simply propaganda for their point of view? My eyes were opened and I've never fully believed anything from any source since.

Now, I read and listen to as much news as I can and average them all out. It has become much easier with all the information available on the web, but it still must be looked at critically and with great care as to where it originates.
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Old 05-16-2008, 02:21 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by BEEF View Post

figured I'd share
thank you, it is appreciated!
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Old 05-16-2008, 02:40 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by Sporkman View Post
Conservatives think it's a conspiracy by socialists to push socialism & world government by creating public fear. Of course, corporate public relations firms & conservative think tanks are quite obliging in regards to propagating this view, via talking points & the promotion of global warming "skepticism".
being an independant that leans to the right, i must say this:

describing this as fear, in my view, isn't accurate. my moderately conservative view dictates resisting "cradle to the grave" control of gov't.

now, if the topic of the media and propaganda is fanciful, then consider the independant survey done: depending on the surveyor, somewhere in the land-slide neighborhood of 88 to 96% of the media was found to report bias towards the left or liberal.

if one were to think the US and the world is NOT heading toward a (controlling) one-world-govt, that individual would be naive at the very least.

but, i wouldn't consider that a conspiracy, just a reality.
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Old 05-16-2008, 05:13 PM   #17
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here is a poll from of people who believe and don't believe in global warming--perhaps surprising--maybe not, tho.
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Old 05-16-2008, 05:51 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by 101mpg View Post
Nice to be able to coherently discuss things without getting into flamewars. I do like that this site can have severely off-topic discussions - this whole forum - very nice - and we try to discuss things intelligently.

I do agree - money is not greed - it's the way some go about acquiring money, wealth, power, etc.

My personal favorite hobby is donating to my local food bank. It's not required, it's just what I enjoy. Figuring out how to get a lot for my money and then be able to give that away - happiness.
Are you familiar with

This isn't completely off topic as it was an offshoot of another relevant topic. But to bring it fully on topic to fuel economy, here is an interesting post that is in my mind the quintessential example of the kind of conspiracy theory dialogue I wanted to stimulate when I made this thread:

Originally Posted by hvyironfr8dog View Post
Wrong Sludgy.

People are doing it all over the world. I am doing it. I have friends that do it too. It works, but different people get different results.

Depends on too many variables to list. Like the catalyst you are using, the Stainless Steel you are using, the how many Amps you are pulling. Are you using 1,2, 3 or more hydrogen cells to make your hydrogen (Browns Gas). Are you running the gas to one intake port on your manifold or two? Are you using a MAP sensor enhancer? What other things are you doing to help your mileage. Are you using extenders for your O2 sensors as they give a falso O2 reading to your ECU when you use HHO technology's to split water and feed it to your engine, thus, you need to trick your O2 sensors to not send this info back to the ECU or you will get worse mileage.

I would suggest googling "hydrogen powered cars" or "water powered cars, or "youtube"-ing it to see the many videos of people who are doing it successfully.

Google or you-tube "Stan Meyers", the master inventor or water for fuel technology. He is one of many.

Why was Stan murdered recently? Could it possibly be that he, like many other water for fuel inventors, were seen as a threat to Big Oil concerns. Well, when you invent a car that runs totally on water and nothing else, I guess you need to look over your should at all times, wouldn't you agree?

Splitting water is not new. Its been around for many, many years. The patent is something like 90 years old.

YOU CAN IMPROVE your MPG with supplementing Browns Gas or H-H-O into your intake maniford. You will increase you mileage anywhere from 10 to 70 % from a combination of methods.

Samy: I suggest you can start with Ozzie Newsom's site "" That's what I have done. HHO experimentors meet at some park in LA every Saturday at 1200 noon to show off their latest creations. Directon are on the website. Don't take my word for it. Look for yourself. Don't believe some naysayer who says "it takes more enery than it releases". That kind of logic is from someone who hasn't looked inot the science behind it and hasn't tried it. He is just repeating what Big Oil wants you to believe.

I have been to 2 gatherings in LA so far and met Ozzie. I bought and down-loaded his ebook with easy to follow directions on how to build a simple HHO generator. I have built it. It works. Based on other designs I have seen from other experimentors, I am now trying to replicate their projects and designs. Its fun, its work, its a lot of driving around testing what you have done, and chasing around town or the internet for the material you need...but in the end, with $5.00 per gallon gas just around the corner here is south Florida...its worth it to me.

If anyone isinterested in meeting Saturdays in south Florida, like they do in LA, to get the word out, please let me know. I have tried to get some interest on another thread but no luck so far.

I am trying to get a group interested to share ideas and experiments and designs. Together we CAN and WILL beat the oil company crooks and the RAG Heads in the desert...and the crooked polititians who got us into this mess.
three stripes the charm!

Car mods are overrated. Just gotta adjust that nut behind the wheel for best mpg.

Forget about World Peace...Visualize using your turn signal.
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Old 05-16-2008, 06:17 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by 1993CivicVX View Post
sorry for my shortcomings and failure to stimulate a conspiracy discussion. it's just that i was a part of some regretful mudslinging about the GW topic awhile back.

for those that missed it, it is worth repeating this: one, just one, large volcanic eruption has the potential to emit more greenhouse gases than mankind has contibuted in its history!

so, i stand in that 38%, unconvinced. eliminating/reducing pollution should be the common ground.
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Old 05-16-2008, 06:48 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by bowtieguy View Post
for those that missed it, it is worth repeating this: one, just one, large volcanic eruption has the potential to emit more greenhouse gases than mankind has contibuted in its history!

"Volcanoes contribute about 110 million tons of carbon dioxide per year while man's activities contribute about 10 billion tons per year."

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