This book tells the back story of what has gone in with various incidents in Central America and the Middle East. The author, John Perkins, was a major cog in the machine that has continued to allow the US ongoing access to cheap oil and other natural resources - all while fattening the bank accounts of companies like Haliburton and Bechtel.
Confessions of an Economic Hitman is an eye opener that will change the way you look at how the US maintains it's dominance over the rest of the world and lifestyle for it's citizens. The impact of OPEC and the international oil conglomerates are no small part of this issue, and 'The World Bank' will take on a completely new meaning to you once you understand how they really operate.
Hell, this book might make you feel guilty for driving on petro-fuels at all!
Here's a good interview with the author for starters:
Be sure to check out the follow-up book
"The Secret History of the American Empire: Economic Hit Men, Jackals, and the Truth about Global Corruption" as well. ($15 at Costco the last time I was there.)
If you aren't pissed off or guilt ridden by the end, you probably don't have a soul.