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Old 05-15-2009, 06:21 PM   #1
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cheap tripod for cameras

this is not spam (that's a bad way to start a thread)

I found a really good deal on a tripod and I though I would share with others.

I just got mine in the mail today. I was really worried about quality but was happily suprised. this is my first tripod so I wasn't sure what to expect. you can adjust it on all planes (all of it is manual though) just turn a knob adjust to where you want and tighten back.

it also have a removable base for the camera that comes off with the flip of a thumb, a level for easy leveling, and a carrying case.

the price is the kicker for me $10 (just under $20 after shipping)

I am starting to play around with youtube and wanted something to keep my camera steady. (camera not included, obviously) I used a chair to show the scale better.

here are some pics:


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Old 05-15-2009, 06:44 PM   #2
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I bought a very nice tripod @ a thrift store for under $10.


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Old 05-16-2009, 01:56 AM   #3
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Originally Posted by BEEF View Post
this is not spam (that's a bad way to start a thread)

I found a really good deal on a tripod and I though I would share with others.

I just got mine in the mail today. I was really worried about quality but was happily suprised. this is my first tripod so I wasn't sure what to expect. you can adjust it on all planes (all of it is manual though) just turn a knob adjust to where you want and tighten back.

it also have a removable base for the camera that comes off with the flip of a thumb, a level for easy leveling, and a carrying case.
I'm going to offer a a different use for your Tripod. Here is an image of a modification I made myself, along with a home brew Tripod for a five inch scope.

I can't stand the Hobby Killer Tripods, and everything else was way too expensive.

I used Cedar, and large amounts of wood glue. A t mounting screw is used to attach to an extra removable camera mount. The Tripod is about $15 years old. I've probably got about $20 in the make shift troft. I paid about 60 for the tripod when I purchased my first tripod.

You probably noticed the tripod made of crutches. It is as simple as it looks. Just slap things together. After the purchasing of a router (on clearance, plus the bit).... about $100. Something this big, would have run me well over $300 for what I've seen on the market. I've seen surveyor tripods that have been slightly modified for cheaper when you can find them.

The stool you see in the background was my first tri... errr quad pod that I made do with. I thought the poor drill would never get the job done. I still use it today for Astronomy Day events, and sidewalk astronomy for the kids, or short adults. $15 plus the bit.

(Astronomy need not be expensive, and I know there are a lot of DIY on this forum.)

Fully extended the crutch tripod allows me to comfortably view while standing. Most adults can use it at its current height as seen in the picture.

Be sure to look up afocal photography. You can get some interesting results with your camera and telescope.

Lack of sunspots all the way back in.... July of 2006. I was darn lucky to see this one.

This image is before editing. Taken with a Sony 5 mp camera just help up to the eye piece.

After editing.
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Old 05-16-2009, 03:00 AM   #4
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Cool. I've been making do with cheesy mini-tripods from the dollar store, but when I need something better now I know where to get it.
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Old 05-16-2009, 04:06 AM   #5
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yea I found all of the small tripods online that were less than a foot tall and wondered, what was the point. I found this one and ordered it.

I later regreted the purchase because the concept of "you get what you pay for"

I was happily suprised with the quality and what I got. I woudn't take it outside with me on an african safari but it is perfect for my little stuff that is indoors. I will say too that it won't hold a huge amount of weight. my camcorder is only a pound or so which means I'm good.
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Old 05-16-2009, 04:56 AM   #6
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I have a 6" tripod that I bought at Big Lots. Perfect to keep on the go. Its always in the camera bag. Set it up on a fencepost, the roof of the truck, whatever and you're ready in seconds. I have a 5' aluminum tripod that must be 50 or 60 years old that I bought for under $10 at a thrift. Its marked "The Hollywood Pyramid" if anyone is familiar with that model. It folds up really compact and is very lightweight. I usually leave that one under the back seat of the pickup so its around if the need arises. I bought a nice cedar tripod at a flea market for $5 about 2 years ago. The guy said it was his grandfather's. I gave that one to my brother in law who takes lots of pictures.


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Old 05-16-2009, 06:56 AM   #7
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the telescope in my pictures is actually my wifes and is very cheap (wal-mart special). it hasn't been used very much. she would like to get into using it more and maybe now we will since I purchased a netbook computer that is really compact.

I saw the smaller tripods but I wanted something about as tall as me. (or at least close). I didn't do a lot of looking around other than on the internet as I have had good luck finding strange things before.

it seems to be pretty well made but it is very light and I am sure that the quality of the material isn't the best. it is serving my purposes pretty well right now.
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Old 05-16-2009, 07:47 AM   #8
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Looks very nice for $10! I have three tripods my Ex left behind and one I already owned. Had so many I used one for a fan stand.

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Old 05-17-2009, 08:46 AM   #9
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It's actually pretty amazing what you can get in a Chinese made tripod these days. For $30 or less you can get something that is sturdy enough for occassional general use with detachable bases.

The down size is that it is very difficult to find a really good tripod anymore without going to a camera store. Anybody who has ever tried to video tape sports action with a cheap tripod vs. a good fluid head knows the big factor there. You just can't get pro results without a good fluid head.

I tried to find a good inexpensive fluid head tripod a couple of weeks ago and thought I had found a bargain for $30. It clearly stated "Fluid Head" on the box, but it wasn't even lubricated. Took it back . .

I think, therefore I doubt.
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Old 05-19-2009, 06:22 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by Snax View Post
The down size is that it is very difficult to find a really good tripod anymore without going to a camera store.
Yeah, but you get what you pay for when you go to any respectable camera store... That is, a decent tripod will cost you $100+, an excellent tripod will cost you that much more. I spent $240 on a Bogen/Manfrotto setup last summer, consisting of a nicely adjustable tripod (190XPROB to be exact), with a fairly basic pan/tilt/roll head (804RC2).

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