this is not spam (that's a bad way to start a thread)
I found a really good deal on a tripod and I though I would share with others.
I just got mine in the mail today. I was really worried about quality but was happily suprised. this is my first tripod so I wasn't sure what to expect. you can adjust it on all planes (all of it is manual though) just turn a knob adjust to where you want and tighten back.
it also have a removable base for the camera that comes off with the flip of a thumb, a level for easy leveling, and a carrying case.
the price is the kicker for me $10 (just under $20 after shipping)
I am starting to play around with youtube and wanted something to keep my camera steady. (camera not included, obviously) I used a chair to show the scale better.
here are some pics: