Control your acceleration by shifting later (higher rpm) for faster acceleration or earlier (lower rpm) for slower acceleration while giving it heavy throttle to keep the pumping losses down. Avoid rapid starts and stops in heavy traffic because it just pisses off the guys behind you and if they start honking their horn wave them around so you get them in front of you so you can watch the accident they cause with a clear view. You should practice a few fast accelerations from a stop to get a better feel for taking off and also a few takeoffs without using any gas plus holding it on a hill without gas if your idle is high enough and a little heal toe work is helpful (gas and brake with the right foot) unless you have a center console hand brake - I use that a lot on uphill starts so to protect the rear ground effects on my xB because most of the time the jerk behind me is right on my bumper and I don't want to roll back into him.