Originally Posted by trollbait
There is also the possiblity that the replacement LEDs have resistors to prevent the car from doing the rapid 'your bulb is out' flash. So they aren't using less power.
For several models of flasher units you can get LED compatible flashers, so you don't consume the same amount with resistors.
And I agree with Lug Nut, the cost savings in fuel costs does not compare (even over 100K miles) to the cost of the LED bulbs and resistors or compatible flasher unit.
Where I would like to see a change is in the headlights, as I usually replace 1 a year from burning out. Those are the power hogs on my car. 4 27w bulbs do not compare to 2 55w bulbs. Headlights are on all the time (stupid daytime circuit) so that's 110W always disappearing, and at night the light sensor turns the running lights on, 108W total. The brake lights add another 16W when activated. Worst case with all exteriors on (ignore reverse), 234W/14.4V=16.25A draw on the alternator. For a 110A unit, that's barely affecting FE.
Ignore this tangent about current draw since I believe the OP was more asking about better visibility. I just hate the ON/OFF of LEDs for the aftermarket. They really need a voltage rampup circuit to mimic incandescents. The on/off is really a distraction, as is how much brighter the bulbs are. We don't need more lighting on the roads, just better drivers.