seriously Sentra this is not to start another urination contest, but i don't know where you get your numbers...or specifically how CNN collected their "data."
i am a "light" truck driver, meaning i drive a 22ft box truck locally, and i'm home every night. i make significantly more than BOTH of your sited salaries. i do make incentive pay, but obviously some want to work more than others so...
i know for a FACT that local AND long distant semi drivers make more than i do. in addition, florida does NOT pay near the top in avg salary in most industries, especially drivers. i know guys that deliver food like i do, making upwards of $70-80k and this is NOT extraordinary.
your stats may be dilluted by these guys driving around in box trucks that do not require an A or B CDL. those guys prolly make $10/hr here locally, perhaps $15 in the north. this is not pertinent to the article, and it is not what is intended. the article was in reference to non-collegiate schooling/training for above avg paying jobs.