This has what purpose in a discussion on fuel economy?
I have spent 5 years working on an idea that addresses the issue of direct heat distribution into the atmosphere, by converting it into useful work.
I drive 2 cars, one gets an average of 53 MPG, the other 65 MPG. Including the wife's SUV our family average is over 50 MPG.
I seek solutions to the causes of global warming. You seek to character assassinate people you know nothing about.
The Northwest Passage was something that was the object of early exploration of the English and other explorers over 350 years ago, during the
"Little Ice Age" whose existence has been confirmed (the ice age) by modern scientific data collection.
Your data age is microscopic in light of the historical context. Your attitude I find laughable when faced with evidence that does not support your opinion.
If you have the capability, why not exert yourself in the direction of solutions to the threat you consider so severe. Use your influence to promote the ideas that offer real solutions, instead of coming here and attacking those who have a different point of view from your own.
Try spell check sometime, and some punctuation, instead of promoting Ebonics.
