Anyone ever notice this?
I was pretty hungry earlier today and was having a pretty bad craving despite the fact that I had eaten like 3 hours prior. Anyway I finally caved and started making Ricearoni which I like. The weird thing is, I've notice that just the preparation of food alone seems to satisfy my food cravings.. About half way through the cooking of my Ricearoni, I wasn't hungry anymore and by the time I was finished, I had a sated feeling in my stomach.. It's really weird, it's almost as if I ate the food without actually eating it.. It's ok though, because when I do get hungry an hour or two from now, I'll have an already prepared meal ready for me.. I just thought I should share this as I found it a little strange.. The other thing which I've heard other people say as well is that when they go for a workout or exercise that they don't feel hungry afterwards which I too experience as well after a good workout..
weird stuff, huh?