Originally Posted by Bill in Houston
You would definitely want to use plastic, I think. I like the idea a lot.
If you wanted to really jazz it up, a small 12v battery, a solar panel, and a small 12v bilge pump would be sweet. But maybe that technology steals the simple beauty of a rain barrel.
Not sure where you would put the barrel, but remember that when full it will weigh about 500 lbs.
I like this idea quite a lot -- the city had plans for them at the Home Show last year. We have really crappy grass that needs watering to survive (plus I don't plan on using fertilizer unless it's easy on the evirons). On top of that, there are some drainage issues in the back (pooling). Reducing the need to use treated water to dump on the lawn seems like a great idea.
I picture something like this: 55-gallon drum or 2 in the basement - Roof water and/or sump water could drain into the tank - design an overflow for safety - and rig up a pump/power supply, ideally solar.