Originally Posted by Coyote X
I think my collection last I looked was 37 rifles and 25 pistols. A lot of them are worth a pretty good bit. I would say 20 of them are over 50 years old.
Coyote X - what is your oldest firearm? Any Civil War era stuff?
Originally Posted by Erdrick
I can't believe this discussion is being had.
Aren't we being a little anti-FIRST and second amendment here?
Look at gun deaths in America compared to anywhere else in the world.
In England guns are illegal. Only the cops and the bad guys have them, but the good citizens aren't exempt from being shot. Here in America, at least we have a chance and the right to defend ourselves.
Anything else is ridiculous.
What about home defense - for the person that LEAVES their gun at home?
The idiot (not all gun-carriers are idiots) carrying a gun is just as bad...
CORRECT!!! Which is why not just anybody can go get a concealed weapon permit! It is illegal to carry a firearm concealed in your car or anywhere on your person without a permit.
SVOboy, you can count that there are two sensible people on these boards.
Don't you think this statement is a little harsh buddy?
Originally Posted by SVOboy
I live to own guns! **** free speech, I shoot my story onto the front page!
I am a staunch supporter of both first and second amendment rights! The way you put it here Ben sounds like all we want to do is go blasting things and people away. 99% of the time when I am carrying, NOBODY knows it. I have a good reason for carrying too. A few years back I was robbed and brutally beaten. If I had had a gun, it might not have happened. And before you get the chance to say "what if they took it from you and killed you with it" - that is a risk I am willing to take to protect myself and others around me. Think if one of the kids at Virgina Tech had had a gun, they could have ended that sad tragedy very early.
Originally Posted by mrmad
The fact is, we live in a violent society where people can break into your house with little regard for you or ones you care about. If you want to be passive and hope they don't harm anyone or try to chase them out with a baseball bat, that's your choice. If someone breaks into my house and tries to harm my wife or daughter, I'm going to shoot them.
I whole heartedly agree with this statement.
Originally Posted by Erdrick
Think of the arms race and car size race to understand this issue better.
Please expound on this point - I'm very interested to see how you tie these two together, especially seeing how many guns aren't made in this country, while most large cars are...
Originally Posted by krisirk
I recently purchased a Beretta Neos in .22 LR with a six inch barrel and a red dot sight. It's quite a fun gun to plink with. I'm looking at buying a S&W M&P in either 9mm or .40 S&W. Does anyone have any experience with this pistol? I handled one at my local Sportsman's Warehouse and it fit my hand like a glove.
How do you like the red-dot sight? I really want to get one for my AR-15. I haven't used the M&P yet, but I do like S&W. I'm more of a .40 guy than a 9mm guy. I really like the Springfield XD40.
Originally Posted by Coyote X
The main reason I think everyone should have a gun though really is to make sure the government stays afraid of it's citizens. All the rest of this stuff is a secondary issue to the fact that a govt that has to be afraid of an armed revolt will act a lot nicer than a govt that just has to kill/jail protesters.
Wow, excellent point!
Originally Posted by MattTimion
Sexy Matt!
And one last thing for the anti-gun crowd: I know there is no swaying you, which is fine. That's one thing I ABSOLUTELY LOVE about this country - we have a right to express our own passionate opinion (1st amendment

). But to say we (gun owners) are mental patients or are crazed people, you're letting your emotions run a little high. The second amendment is something I'm very passionate about, as I'm sure you're passionate about getting it repealed. The difference is I'm not calling you a blathering idiot or a moron for being on the other side of the argument.