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Old 12-02-2007, 12:53 PM   #61
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S+W Model 10 .38 Spl. 4" - Dad's former service weapon
Marlin 336 .30-30 - made in '72 and still shoots 1" groups at 100yds
CZ (I for get the model) .223 - heavy barrel, great gun, still haven't found the load for it yet. Haven't bested 1" @ 100yds. yet.
Llama Comanche .22 revolver 6" HB - awesome little gun. Very accurate, very fun, great for improving your handgunning technique.
Savage .22LR (I forget the model on this one too) - good looking piece, reasonably accurate, but fun and cheap ($108 with tax at Wal-Mart!)

Remington 700 .222 reamed to .223. Leaves a mark on the brass, but is exceptionally accurate - 3/8" @ 100yds. Great-looking, too.
Mossberg 20-ga pump. 20 years old, never been loaded or fired, but did scare off a burglar once.
Kimber target .45 ACP. Absolutely amazing. I'd never fired a .45 before, and I put 7 out of my first 8 in the X-ring, at 10yds which blew me away. Pleasant to shoot and intuitive.

Would love to have a good Sharps rifle, even "just" a .45-70, and a kustom S+W .357 with high-viz sights, 3" barrel, and an unfluted cylinder.

'67 Mustang - out of commission after an accident
'00 Echo - DD
'11 Kia Rio - Wife's DD
'09 Harley Nightster - 48mpg and 1/4 miles in the 12's
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Old 02-11-2008, 04:38 PM   #62
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Gun? Yeah... a couple. Got a an 870 for dove and deer and everything else. Got an old (mid-40s) Marlin 22 bolt gun. Got Winchester 16GA break-open single, model 48, I think. I've sold off my military stuff; last year I traded the Hi-Power close for a Marlin 336, which is my primary deer rifle. After 25 years of shooting, I've concluded that the 30-30 is a wonderful deer cartridge, and the 336 a great rifle; I should have gotten one years ago, and passed on the 30-06 and .270.

I have a muzzleloader I use for deer, too.

in the field with the Escort Wagon:

95 Escort Wagon
94 Tracer Wagon
37.88 mpg mixed
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Old 02-11-2008, 04:51 PM   #63
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Cool! A gun thread!

The highest incidents of gun accidents occured early in the 20th century. 1904? Somewhere around there.

And of the 11k accidents, many many more crimes were de-escelated in the US by private citizens with legal firearms. Look to the FBI and some of the UCS info.

I have a few rifles that have been in the family for decades. Inherited them all after my father passed away. I have a nice little Ruger 10/22 that I made in to a "black rifle" with a Tapco stock. Haven't fired it yet in that set up.

I want an M1 Garand. Not sure which manufacturer, but I've got some friends watching. Would like a nice M1911A1 too.
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Old 02-12-2008, 10:17 AM   #64
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Sweet yellowtail3, another deer hunter! I hunt with a Remington 700 .30-06 - always have used that caliber since I started hunting.

SD26 - the 10/22 is a fantastic rifle! My brother had one and it was a blast to shoot. There are some really cool "black gun" options out there for it.

As an update, i got a lot of goodies for my K40-GL over Christmas, so here it is in it's current state (kinda blurry):

It's now got a UTG quad-rail front hand guard, GG&G front vertical grip, see-through carry-handle optics mount, and an EOTech 511 "red-dot" holographic sight. I have since purchased two 15 rd. factory Glock magazines for it, and have decided I like them better than the Scherer 31 rd. magazine. The factory Glock mags just feed better. I REALLY love the EOTech sight - it's so nice and so accurate. Definitely worth the money spent.
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Old 02-13-2008, 02:05 AM   #65
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Originally Posted by Erdrick View Post
I want to point out one very important thing to the members participating in this thread.

Looking at Japan, almost no one is killed by guns. The only people with guns are police, and gangsters. Gangsters only fight other gangsters, and sometimes, VERY RARELY, police. You have no chance of ever getting killed by a gun in Japan unless you get involved with the mob. My fiance's father, a police officer of 40 years, has never once even taken his gun out of its holster.
A lot of American police will spend forty years not taking their guns out of their holster. My hometown is located in one of the NRA's favorite fund raising areas. We have a lower homicide rate than many EU states. We have "shall issue" concealed carry. We also have few "hot" burglaries.

This fall two million Pennsylvanians will go out on the first day of deer season. That's a larger force than many Armies.

Japan is very different from the US. They are pretty homogenous racially. They tend to be pretty conformist people, group oriented and shame oriented.

I've read that Japanese police are very effective in clearing cases. Over ninety percent of crimes are solved through a confession, often the criminal confesses to spare shame for their family. Having said this, it should be noted that Japanese courts permit confessions under duress to stand. You do not have a right to silence or not to testify against yourself in Japan.

Japanese prisons are unpleasant places. Some are cited by human rights organizations.

Japanese have a higher suicide rate than the US. They accomplish these deaths without guns.

Organized crime is quite aggressive in Japan. "Yakuza" operate with relative impunity, organizing business ventures and insinuating themselves into daily life to a degree unimaginable in the US. Some are quite bold and "up front", such as the Yamaguchi Gumi.

Knifes and swords are either banned or registered in Japan. Heirloom Katanas are carefully regulated.

Guns are legal but heavily regulated in Japan. They require special licensing, testing and classes. This includes handguns, which are heavily regulated. There is considerable social pressure against ordinary Japanese obtaining the classes and licenses to own guns.

Gun control began in Japan as a way to ensure domination by the Shogun. Gun makers were regulated and guns were confiscated from peasants on the pain of death. Firearms were recognized as a means for a poorly trained peasant to defeat a very well trained Samurai. Samurai recognized that dominating the people, forcing them into bondage as serfs, required that they alone possess the ability to effectively kill others.

After the people were sufficiently disarmed Samurai were solely permitted to wear two swords. They were also permitted to execute on the spot anyone who was "untoward". Known as "cutting and going away" this practice rarely occurred but was legal up to the time of the Meiji restoration. Peasants worked the land and were taxed to pay their overlords.

One of the objections against a modern military in Japan was that peasants would once again be exposed to firearms and would master their use. Though I am sure that Samurai were excellent shots in their own right.

The US confiscated guns during our occupation of Japan. We also wrote a Constitution for Japan which did not recognize the right of the people to own modern means of self defense. Now the Japanese are returning the "favor" by bankrolling "gun control" in the US.

I guess if anyone really wants to live in a gun free area in the US they're invited to go to Washington DC, which forbids working firearms. Isn't such a nice place to be if you're in the wrong areas. Considering how easy it is to make guns, how portable they are, and how easy it is to smuggle guns and ammunition, I don't see gun prohibition working any better than drug prohibition.

That all being said, there are sixty million handguns in the US. There are not sixty million gun deaths each year. Most guns will gather dust in drawers or safes. I think the statistics bear out that most people who own guns, the vast majority, are not violent or anti-social.

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Old 02-14-2008, 02:36 PM   #66
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Originally Posted by SVOboy View Post
Repeal the 2nd amendment!
Go back to school and get "edicated"!
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Old 02-14-2008, 02:40 PM   #67
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Originally Posted by bowtieguy View Post
i did a paper on gun control in college, and after tons of research, support the right. i don't own any myself, but was SERIOUSLY considering buying one. can you make any recomendations as a starter? home defense only, no hunting. of course if the economy turns sour, you never know...
If you are lucky enough to have concealed carry (CCW) in your state, go get trained and licensed! Don't be a sheep!! Nobody but you can take care of yourself, and don't listen to other sheep who live in a world of denial. Yes, it can happen to ANYBODY, ANYTIME, ANYWHERE.
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Old 02-14-2008, 02:45 PM   #68
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Originally Posted by Erdrick View Post
I can't believe this discussion is being had. While I am not going to judge people based on their personal choices... wait screw that! I AM going to judge. The simple fact is, if there are no guns, people cannot die from a gunshot wound. If there are guns, then people can die from a gunshot wound. Look at gun deaths in America compared to anywhere else in the world. We blow everyone else away. Literally. Skynard said it best "they ain't good for nothin' baby... cept to put a man six feet in a hole."

Hunting is a totally different subject. I personally think that hunting with a gun is cheating, and would use a bow if I hunted. Either way though, if you are using a gun to feed yourself, then that is a warranted use. Anything else is ridiculous.

The choices that other people make affect us all. The idiot (not all gun-carriers are idiots) carrying a gun is just as bad as the guy doubling the speed limit in a school zone. They both are having a negative impact on society.

SVOboy, you can count that there are two sensible people on these boards.
Yo, sheep boy, there ARE guns, and ALWAYS WILL BE guns, outlaw guns and only outlaws will HAVE guns!! You want to live in denial, and not carry a weapon to protect your life, that is your choice, but don't go telling others that they have no rights!! I will be prepared, and yes, thanks to me and others like me, you might have a prayer when your day of Reckoning comes and one of us is around to save your as&!!!
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Old 02-14-2008, 02:53 PM   #69
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Originally Posted by lovemysan View Post

one of mine. Remington 870 police. Parkerized with speedfeed IV pistol grip stock. This is a great home defense gun, although I don't really use it for that.

I have thought about my gun control opinions. The fastest the police have ever arrived at our complex is 5 minutes. In 3 years of ownership of 67 units we have personally apprehended 3 criminals. Can you say "citizens arrest". Never once did we need or use a gun. We've carefully studied there use/purpose and found that we don't need them. But we're never far from them.

A criminal can rape and kill your whole family before the police can get to you. I can't bench 400lbs and jujitsu you a rapist/thief into submission, I can and will run. But unfortunately I can't run with my entire family. I've taken an oath to defend them with my life "to love, honor, and protect" yes that oath. If forced to I will defend my family with deadly force. Period.

I'll put this in plain english so you can understand. There have been several murders, attempted murders etc. in my area. I have taken necessary precautions, I do not allow my wife out after dark, I do not let her walk to the bank, we drive defensively, we lock our doors. I protect my family.
You protect yours how you see fit.
The Police will rarely be there to protect you in your moment of truth, and in fact they have no obligation to do so. Their job is to show up after the carnage and do the forensics of your dead body. YOU are the only one that can protect yourself in that moment. Choose your weapon, train with your weapon, and most importantly, carry your weapon!!
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Old 02-14-2008, 02:58 PM   #70
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Originally Posted by Erdrick View Post
lovemysan: Why you feel the need to "put this in plain english" so that I can understand escapes me. I think that I present myself as an intelligent enough person that I don't need help in this way. Perhaps it was that MY argument escaped YOU? Either way, I was not trying to attack you. I am attacking the beliefs that gun owners hold. Not the person. What scares me is that you seem to have taken offense from what I said. THAT is reason enough for you to not own guns. I live in, and always have lived in, a very safe area. Sure, a 45 minute drive east would land me in the murder capital of the nation, Detroit city, but my suburb is unbelievably safe. Same goes for Toyota city, which I currently call my home. If you TRULY cared about your family, you would move them to a safer place. Sure you may have a less enjoyable lifestyle and you may have to make sacrifices in your work life, but as the safety of your loved ones is top priority, that would be my suggestion to you. Like you said, you are doing many defensive things. Problem is the aggressor always has the upper hand. A crafty thief could easily break into your house, kill you in your sleep, and have their way with your family. Chances of this happening in a safer area would drastically decrease. I am just offering this as my opinion on the matter. Please take it or leave it as you see fit.

Coyote X: I highly agree with your last statement. This may seem crazy for me to say, but I have a strong distrust of (the) government, as an entity and ideology, and think that people should always protect themselves from it. Problem is that Americans have NO sense of unity, and they could never pull anything substantial enough to threaten the government. It would become an "every man for himself" kind of deal. You do make a good point though.

And with that I withdraw myself from this thread before I say something that I regret. Have fun with your guns, and keep it safe. Honestly.
Pull your head outta the sand and look around!! There ARE no "safe" places!!

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