11-20-2007, 03:40 PM
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fear? no, that's a ruse or people not really being honest with themselves.
"I felt a surge of power, like god must feel, when he's holding a gun."
Homer Simpson
11-20-2007, 03:47 PM
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Originally Posted by bowtieguy
bloodshed by in large is avoided during single gun confrontations. meaning that if a second gun is absent or kept concealed, bodily harm CAN be avoided IF requests are met. HOWEVER, a small % of incidents do still become a bloody encounter.
the problem is, the small % of individuals that kill reguardless, is on the rise.
if someone breaks into my home, i'd rather error on the side that he/she is in the lesser %.
The problem with this outlook is singular forms of defense/offense aren't the most effective against an attacker, assuming of course the attacker doesn't kill outright. Not to say that projectile weapons don't have their place in self-defense, just that it's foolish to rely solely on them. Well... That, and if someone's able ta get in yer house yer defense isn't exactly great in the first place. Not that turning a house into a fortress is easy/advisable, just that there are certain measures you can take to insure that the average robber wouldn't be able gain entry in the first place.
Originally Posted by FormulaTwo
I think if i could get that type of FE i would have no problem driving a dildo shaped car.
11-20-2007, 04:01 PM
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Originally Posted by Coyote X
The main reason I think everyone should have a gun though really is to make sure the government stays afraid of it's citizens. All the rest of this stuff is a secondary issue to the fact that a govt that has to be afraid of an armed revolt will act a lot nicer than a govt that just has to kill/jail protesters.
That was the original intent from the framer of the Constitution.
11-20-2007, 05:38 PM
Originally Posted by DaX
How do you like the red-dot sight? I really want to get one for my AR-15.
I really like it. It was a cheap BSA from Walmart with a 5 MOA dot. I think I paid about $30 for it. It has 11 brightness settings, and an off setting. I usually use the lowest settings because it can get quite bright. What's really nice is that it has no magnification so you can actually open both eyes still see through it and aim fine. It mounts to the rail at the top of the Neos. My buddy has an AR-15 like yours, I let him try it out and it fit perfectly on the Picatanny rail at the top of the receiver if you remove the iron sight.
11-20-2007, 06:50 PM
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Originally Posted by Coyote X
The main reason I think everyone should have a gun though really is to make sure the government stays afraid of it's citizens. All the rest of this stuff is a secondary issue to the fact that a govt that has to be afraid of an armed revolt will act a lot nicer than a govt that just has to kill/jail protesters.
I hafta say I agree, especially with the current administration.
[this is directed to no one person in particular] After spending many years in the infantry, I've learned a lot about firearms. I don't know everything and I'm certainly not an 'afficionado,' but I know how to employ them in a tactical / urban environment. I've taught marksmanship & run ranges for small arms, light and heavy crew-served weapon systems, and mortar employment. Still, I just don't think I know enough.
Until we have a full pandemic or other protracted civil anarchy, I just don't see a situation where I'd carry a pistol in public. To use one in civil society, I'd have to know that I can make a decision in the heat of a random moment that jurys can't make after viewing all available facts and months of deliberation...that is to aim center mass, squeeze off several rounds into someone, and drop him cold dead in a pool of his own blood. What other use can a pistol serve? If I'm not going to kill with it, why pull it out? If I do pull it out, I invariably escallate the situation to one of "life-or-death," "me-or-someone-else." If I'm not going to pull it out, why carry it?
I don't know, maybe that's just me.
Now... I really do have to get out there and excercise my 1911A1 into some paper bullseyes.
Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one. - Albert Einstein
11-20-2007, 08:12 PM
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"Now... I really do have to get out there and excercise my 1911A1 into some paper bullseyes."
Well said, Silveredwings!
I have owned long guns and pistols for 30+ years, most of my enjoyment is going to the pistol range with my 16yr old son to shoot paper. Great way to relax, and we both enjoy it. Don't hunt anymore, but my son may take it up some day. BTW, both my kids passed hunter safety classes, and my son took the Kansas CC class with me last spring...not for credit of course, just for the information.
So not every gun owner is a "nut". We're normal people, too. I suspect a rather high percentage of legal gun owners are normal people. I understand some folks have a phobia or fear of guns, and that's OK....one of those things we can "agree to disagree on."
11-21-2007, 04:36 AM
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I feel I need my guns for various reasons.
Self defense weapons (my pistol and my wife's pistol) are for that.
The assault rifles are mostly because they are fun to shoot, and look cool as crap. My wife used to be strict anti-gun, then I took her shooting. If any of you guys are ever in my neck of the sticks (cue banjo music), I'd love to help you safely experience the fun of firing a gun.
Originally Posted by theclencher
i can't believe there's so many living in such a constant state of fear that they feel the need to have an arsenal. oh well.
i'm all for gun ownership btw
11-21-2007, 10:03 AM
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[QUOTE=DaX;83141]I feel I need my guns for various reasons.
Self defense weapons (my pistol and my wife's pistol) are for that.
The assault rifles are mostly because they are fun to shoot, and look cool as crap. My wife used to be strict anti-gun, then I took her shooting. If any of you guys are ever in my neck of the sticks (cue banjo music), I'd love to help you safely experience the fun of firing a gun.[/QUOTE
I second that motion. If you'd like to shoot, in the KC area, are clinicly sane, I'll shoot with you too.
11-21-2007, 10:10 AM
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Do be careful who you go shooting with. They may decide it is worth the risk of shooting a person just in case they might be game.
11-21-2007, 02:48 PM
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Originally Posted by Erdrick
I can't believe this discussion is being had. While I am not going to judge people based on their personal choices... wait screw that! I AM going to judge. The simple fact is, if there are no guns, people cannot die from a gunshot wound. If there are guns, then people can die from a gunshot wound. Look at gun deaths in America compared to anywhere else in the world. We blow everyone else away. Literally. Skynard said it best "they ain't good for nothin' baby... cept to put a man six feet in a hole."
Hunting is a totally different subject. I personally think that hunting with a gun is cheating, and would use a bow if I hunted. Either way though, if you are using a gun to feed yourself, then that is a warranted use. Anything else is ridiculous.
The choices that other people make affect us all. The idiot (not all gun-carriers are idiots) carrying a gun is just as bad as the guy doubling the speed limit in a school zone. They both are having a negative impact on society.
SVOboy, you can count that there are two sensible people on these boards.
If there are no cars no one can die of a car accident
If there are no planes no more plane crashes
No more electricity, no more electrocution
No more Sex no more deaths (after a while)
You are obviously wet behind the ears....when the only people who have weapons are from the government, you just became a subject not a citizen,
6.5 million dead Jews figured this out too late.
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