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Old 09-13-2007, 12:50 PM   #1
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Another cop pulled me over

This happened today on a rural road north of Easley,SC. He said he pulled me over because when he ran my licence number through their computer, it said that the plate was expired since 2002 (Now it's surprising something this major didn't pop up on any of the previous 3 traffic stops that occured over the past year and a half, must have been a recent database error), but that he saw the 07 year sticker on the plate as he walked up to my car. The first words out of his mouth as he walked up to my window, "What's all the stuff on the car for?" After checking my registration, he said they would get their screwed-up licence tag database straightened out. He also mentioned that a license plate has to be at the back of the car (I guess those 1930's cars with the licence plate on the back curve of the rear fender were grandfathered in) and that the plate must be at least 20" off the ground (I wonder if the MG and Triumph roadsters met this spec). Fortunately I'm getting ready to redesign my boattail next week (extend the car's cargo area into the boattail, add a cargo hatch, re-glaze with polycarbonate, and more), so I will relocate the licence plate into the tip of the boattail next to the taillights. And try to do it in a way that causes the least aero drag penalty. When you have a car as streamlined as mine, that 6" X 12" licence plate area has the potential to be a significant contributor to drag.

I'm getting tired of the cops pulling these little vehicle noncompliance issues on me. Every time one pulls me over, I ask them if there is anything illegal about my car and I redesign to incorporate their answers. I wish they would give me all of the noncompliance issues at once so I could design the car to meet them and have it done with. I guess that just goes with the territory when living on the cutting edge of car design.
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Old 09-13-2007, 12:53 PM   #2
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Wow! Glad you made it out of another one. I've been waiting for you to do some sort of sheet metal, welding, cutting, lexan, super smooth, permanent, amazingness thing.

Keep us up to date on the remake!
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Old 09-13-2007, 01:14 PM   #3
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IMO these folks have to much time on their hands and to little to do. Anyway, I don't know if it would help, but you might be able to get the Highway Patrol, or whatever they are called, their, to at least look at it, so that you have a running start at being within the guidelines. Fundamentally the problem is your car looks DIFFERENT, so it catches their attention and then they start watching for some reason to pull you over. They need to find better things to do, but I don't think anyone should hold their breath.

p.s. still very impressed with your changes, keep it up.
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Old 09-13-2007, 01:18 PM   #4
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Indeed. Ask them for some help with your plans. Mehbe they could write you a letter or give you a sticker when it's don't to get you out of trouble.

Last time I asked the cops for something, I had a dozen japanese police officers trying to help me find an indian restaurant.
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Old 09-13-2007, 01:54 PM   #5
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well i think you're lucky to be able to legally ad all that stuff to your car. we have to deal with anual technical inspections. anything not factory stock on the car has to be officially approved by the manifacturer, and some other agencies. it has to be installed according to a manual or otherwise needs to pass a number of tests you have to pay for and so on bla bla bla.... basically if it's diy it's probably illegal.

it's a good thing they check things like emissions, headlight alignment and tire profile and suspention etc. but i'm pretty sure a diy belly pan would get me in serious trouble...

oh well... limitations fuel creativeness

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Old 09-14-2007, 02:32 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by lunarhighway View Post
well i think you're lucky to be able to legally ad all that stuff to your car. we have to deal with anual technical inspections. anything not factory stock on the car has to be officially approved by the manifacturer, and some other agencies. it has to be installed according to a manual or otherwise needs to pass a number of tests you have to pay for and so on bla bla bla.... basically if it's diy it's probably illegal.

it's a good thing they check things like emissions, headlight alignment and tire profile and suspention etc. but i'm pretty sure a diy belly pan would get me in serious trouble...

oh well... limitations fuel creativeness
Its sad that your government(s) professes to be trying to reduce carbon emissions and yet it won't let its private citizens employ their enginuity to do what they can to reduce their own personal carbon emissions.
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Old 09-14-2007, 08:37 AM   #7
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If possible see if you can find a copy of the uniform vehicle code, (I'm pretty sure that is the name of the code you want). There might be an edition for your state but if not you can just get the national one. I had it when I built my kit car so I could make sure it fit the rules.

The cops generally don't know the rules completely and most of the time they think just write the ticket and let the judge decide if it was legal or not. No big deal to them but it is a huge hassle to you. If you read the rules and the cop hassles you, mention that you comply with the uniform vehicle code and they normally will let you go without a ticket.
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Old 09-13-2007, 02:00 PM   #8
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Sucks that you got pulled over but can't you pop down to either the local police station or the highway patrol and just ask em whats legal or illegal about your car? Usually they are pretty cool about it.
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Old 09-13-2007, 04:28 PM   #9
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Why do you always get out of getting pulled over? They always assume that I'm stoned and demand to search my car when they pull me over for nothing.
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Old 09-13-2007, 05:14 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by repete86 View Post
Why do you always get out of getting pulled over? They always assume that I'm stoned and demand to search my car when they pull me over for nothing.
Trying to be constructive here, but seeing the "screw the cops while we ride our bikes" thread, I wonder if some attitude isn't shining through.

Next time try:
1. Stay in the car, keep hands on the wheel where they can see them. Don't make motions that would make them nervous.
2. Be friendly but respectful.
3. If you did something stupid to get pulled over, don't lie about it, apologize if anything. If you honestly didn't do anything then you have to play it by ear, you can state your case, but stay respectful and don't start in on the cop. He IS in charge at that point.
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