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Old 10-09-2008, 09:42 AM   #11
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can I borrow the soap box?

those high tech cameras, who is paying for that? I am (average tax payer) and so are you if they come to your area. they say that the speeding tickets will pay for such things. they don't. someone has to put up the money to initially purchase them. the tickets may cover the operating costs (maybe).

in greensboro, we used to have a camera system that would get you running a stoplight and take a picture of your backside and get your plate number. after a few months, they realized that it was costing more than it was making. instead of getting the money from somewhere else they took the cameras down.

just for the record, I don't street race. I do enjoy a good dyno day and track day though.

tomO, here is your soap box back.

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Old 10-09-2008, 11:29 AM   #12
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lower speed limits is a bad idea. it will make them even more useless. also, the last thing i need is for the trip out to my inlaws to take an extra hour.

the bottom line is that people should be able to do what they want right? pursuit of happiness sound familiar? so tax the gas, make it more expensive and let them pay for it.

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Old 10-09-2008, 11:42 AM   #13
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you can take the driver out of the race, but not the race out of the driver!
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Old 10-09-2008, 12:18 PM   #14
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I think it comes down to more maturity than anything. I got 2 speeding tickets when I was younger (17 or there abouts) ironically got them in my 3-cyl metro.

the truck I speak of, I never got a ticket with or anything else for that matter. I have had 3 tickets in my life. 2 speeding tickets and a seatbelt ticket all before I was 19. I am 29 years old now. I still love fast cars but I also drive a lot so my fuel costs are high (thus my membership here). I know the laws just like everyone else. I decide to abide by them.

taking resposibility for ones actions is sometimes hard to do. it is much easier to say "well, I am used to going fast so that is why I speed". in the end, we should all be held accountable for our own actions regardless of our hobbies or interests.
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Old 10-09-2008, 12:44 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by thisisntjared View Post
the bottom line is that people should be able to do what they want right? pursuit of happiness sound familiar? so tax the gas, make it more expensive and let them pay for it.
Gas and diesel are already taxed. And the tax money is used inefficiently. Additionally, it works well as you're paying tax based on how much one uses.

The ability of the public to be mobile has allowed the US to have a very good standard of living as people can shop, go to new jobs, develop new opportunities. Pricing those that don't live close to certain areas of new employment or current employment will only serve reduce those that don't make a lot of money out of further freedoms that making more money allows, and to fill the government inefficiencies further.
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Old 10-09-2008, 01:01 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by SD26 View Post
Gas and diesel are already taxed. And the tax money is used inefficiently. Additionally, it works well as you're paying tax based on how much one uses.

The ability of the public to be mobile has allowed the US to have a very good standard of living as people can shop, go to new jobs, develop new opportunities. Pricing those that don't live close to certain areas of new employment or current employment will only serve reduce those that don't make a lot of money out of further freedoms that making more money allows, and to fill the government inefficiencies further.
i know they are already taxed and i dont think its enough. your saying is we should work out the inefficiencies. that makes sense to me, i dont mind. i am saying i would take HIGHER gas taxes than lower speed limits. what they do with that money is a different subject and largely subjective. but our roads here in the states suck.

i understand your "pay per use" thinking, but people shouldn't necissarily pay for the use of the road, rather for the use of the environment. that money should partially go to the roads but also to subsidizing that alternatives that are actually clean(not ethanol). hence paying for more than just the road.
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Old 10-10-2008, 05:58 AM   #17
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Jim T.: While I agree that politicians are a rotten lot with absolutely no idea how to distribute/use the funds that they collect, I cannot agree with what you say. Getting a speeding ticket will at least slow the offender down for a week or so. They will eventually fall back into their habits, but that one week alone could have been an accident had they kept up their dangerous driving habits.

That, and the reality that most people would be scared of the cameras, and so willingly slow down. That would make roads safer for all of us. Most people do follow the law, whether it is because they respect it, or are scared of the consequences of breaking it, is another point.

I stand by the probable effectiveness of speeder-catcher cameras.
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Old 10-10-2008, 06:07 AM   #18
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SD26: Not sure how it is in Wisconsin (though last time I was there most people drove like old fogeys), but here in Japan street racing is an organized and real thing. If you have ever seen the Fast and Furious, then there you go. Cut and paste. Insanely modded skylines doing 100mph+ in 25mph zones. Drifting around tight as hell mountain-pass roads.

Keep it on the track and there are no problems.

There are also idiots with small penises that weave through traffic literally begging for a flaming auto crash... taking innocents with them. These idiots always seem to be driving BMWs and Corvettes...
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Old 10-10-2008, 06:29 AM   #19
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Originally Posted by Erdrick View Post
I stand by the probable effectiveness of speeder-catcher cameras.
me too. raise the speed limit 10mph on highways, set up cameras, and make 5mph over a serious offense.

the technology is really getting cheap.
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Old 10-10-2008, 06:58 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by Erdrick View Post
Jim T.: While I agree that politicians are a rotten lot with absolutely no idea how to distribute/use the funds that they collect, I cannot agree with what you say. Getting a speeding ticket will at least slow the offender down for a week or so. They will eventually fall back into their habits, but that one week alone could have been an accident had they kept up their dangerous driving habits.

That, and the reality that most people would be scared of the cameras, and so willingly slow down. That would make roads safer for all of us. Most people do follow the law, whether it is because they respect it, or are scared of the consequences of breaking it, is another point.

I stand by the probable effectiveness of speeder-catcher cameras.
See, thats where your wrong in youre way of thinking. Youve been brainwashed into thinking that speeding is inherently dangerous and that speeders are a danger to all on the roads. Thats a load of BS. There are many other reasons the roads are dangerous and speeding is low on the list. Most independent studies NOT paid for by insurance companies prove this out. Speeding fines are great as an excuse for increasing insurance rates. However, what speeding is to municipalities is a great revenue collection method. Otherwise known as taxation without representation?

Jim T.


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