Alberta Environment Driving SUVs?
I was driving to work this morning and noticed this brand new, shiny, white Dodge Durango about to pull into traffic - with only the driver in it, of course. I was then shocked to see the Alberta Environment logo lettered on the doors.
Isn't this a severe conflict of interests? That vehicle gets 16/21 mpg at best! When I arrived at work I promptly wrote Alberta Environment an e-mail asking for some explanation of why they would choose such a vehicle.
I hope that is was an FFV model running E85, but I have no confidence that it actually was. If it was I hope that they never run pump gas in it because the FFV model's FE is even worse: 12/15 on gas, 9/11 on E85.
I informed Alberta Environment that Atco Gas (natural gas supplier) runs a fleet of Geo Metros and Dodge Neons to do all their transportation-necessary work.