Alaska guv to Sen. Reid: Start drilling in ANWR! - Fuelly Forums

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Old 06-24-2008, 07:50 PM   #1
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Alaska guv to Sen. Reid: Start drilling in ANWR!

Alaska guv to Sen. Reid: Start drilling in ANWR!
Sarah Palin confronts Dem majority leader, asks, 'What will it take' for Congress to act?

In a letter to Democratic Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and other key leaders, Alaska Republican Gov. Sarah Palin urges Congress to allow drilling for oil on the Outer Continental Shelf and the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in northern Alaska, an area she calls "the most promising unexplored petroleum province in North America."

"What will it take for Congress to enact comprehensive energy policy?" Palin asks in the letter, dated yesterday. "In my opinion, the debate about energy policy is no longer theoretical and abstract. Our failure to enact an energy policy is having real consequences for every American in their daily lives and has begun to affect America's place in the world."

Palin, whose name appears on lists of potential vice-presidential candidates, concludes with a bold challenge: "I don't think it's overly dramatic to say that his nation's future and the quality of life for every American are dependent on the decision you make or don't make in the next few months."

Last week, Reid called Sen. John McCain's call for offshore drilling "nothing more than a cynical campaign ploy that will do nothing to lower energy prices and represents another big giveaway to oil companies already making billions in profits."

Lumping Palin in that accusation would prove difficult, as the governor made headlines earlier in her term for taking on Alaska's oil and gas commissioner, who was also the GOP state chairman, for ethics violations. More recently, she worked with bipartisan support to win an increased tax on oil companies' profits.

Palin says in her letter she does not guarantee a price drop with drilling in ANWR but argues increasing domestic oil supply would "help reduce price volatility" and "send a strong message to oil speculators."

"Yet, there is an even more important point," Palin writes, contending America must take measures to decrease dependence on foreign oil, since "U.S. petrodollars are financing activities that are harmful to America and to our economic and military interests around the world."

Environmentalists and Democrats in Congress long have argued against increased drilling in the U.S., favoring instead conservation and alternative fuels. Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama's website promises $150 billion in increased spending to develop new fuels and renewable energy sources.

Palin's letter argues against looking only to those approaches, pointing out a need for domestic oil production to supply the economy's many products made from petroleum, not just gasoline.

"The soaring prices of chemicals, plastics, fertilizer and other products and the loss of jobs graphically illustrate this point," the letter states. "We must recognize that is will be many years, if ever, before we discover alternatives to the petroleum-based products that every American uses in our daily lives."

Palin addresses the concerns of environmentalists about drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, or ANWR.

Oil exploration and development "can be conducted in a safe manner," she writes, pointing out the footprint of oil development facilities in ANWR would take up "less than 2,000 acres" of a refuge roughly the size of South Carolina.

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Old 06-24-2008, 08:02 PM   #2
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ya if gas prices go down the yuppies are all gonna go out and buy new gas guzzlers... maybe they just need to cut suv sales all together...

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Old 06-24-2008, 08:24 PM   #3
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the question is not whether consumption can be reduced or should be reduced (it should be), Gov Palin's point is to keep oil dollars within the country and keep them from being used against us.

we will consume oil for years to come, the only difference is whether we will send oil dollars overseas or keep them here.
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Old 06-24-2008, 08:29 PM   #4
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sooner if we have a choice, later or not at all if we accept the Democrats' choice.
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Old 06-24-2008, 08:48 PM   #5
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The ban on drilling needs to be lifted before any drilling can happen. do you expect oil companies to break the law? The ban is being kept in place, it's opposed by Republicans, and supported by democrats.
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Old 06-25-2008, 12:28 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by theclencher View Post
The ban will be lifted sooner or later as already alluded to.

the sooner, the better.
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Old 06-25-2008, 05:00 AM   #7
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I'm sad. But it was to come. Heck, in high school I had a few debates and essays about Pro drilling ANWR. It's only a 2000 acre plot they want to exploit (that's a harsh word) for drilling, aiming to tap a few billion barrels. Compared to the 17.9 million, I guess that's okay. I still think reducing consumption is a better avenue than searching and tapping more sources.

damn, I went from a red blooded Alaskan to a Montanan hippy. What the hell has this state done to me??!
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Old 06-25-2008, 05:48 AM   #8
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The Democrat policy of no drilling is stuffing money into the pockets of the very people that are trying the hardest to kill us and make the world Muslim.

Couple that with their weak defense policies and the Democrats can easily be defined as an "enemies of the state."

Is it that hard to see?

Drill where there's oil, conserve, and develop alternatives. Why can't we do it all at once? Are we too parochial as a nation? Too stupid of legislators? Do our Congressmen and Senators prefer politics over the safety and health of our nation? Or have we become a nation of incompetents?
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Old 06-25-2008, 10:00 AM   #9
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Openning up ANWR and the offshore fields(why hasn't Bush rescinded his father's orders banning it?) assumes the oil companies will start drilling. Since those companies already have leases to land they aren't exploiting, what guarntee is there that they won't just sit on any new leases.

Most of the oil used in the US comes from Canada and Mexico. Our money isn't going to terrorists through them, and giving out new leases won't drop the price. The Saudis' pumping up production hasn't lowered the price. Oil that will take ten years to reach market won't affect today's market.
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Old 06-25-2008, 02:16 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by civic_matic_00 View Post
the sooner, the better.

Why? Dooya think prices will drop and allow us to continue with our cheap 100 mile daily commutes in SUVs?

Incidentally, that governor is representative of the biggest reason why we are facing a resources quandry in the first place: she's an extravagant breeder. They do more damage than SUVs.

Old EPA 23/33/27
New EPA 21/30/24

New EPA12/14/17

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