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Old 02-20-2012, 05:03 PM   #1
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A sad thing...

So today, (well, actually yesterday) I am heading out to my local Ecology Auto Wrecking to pick up a suspension component for the Benz. As I'm driving out there, there is a nice looking, white 95-97 Metro following me. I turn toward the yard, it follows. I turn in to the parking lot, it follows. Then the driver pulls up to the area where people drop off cars they are getting rid of.

I go in, find what I'm looking for, but I don't have the right tools. As I leave, I noticed out of the corner of my eye that the Metro is now parked over in the area where they put the cars to be crushed.

I go home, tell the wife about it. She insists I need to go back, and find out its story, and maybe buy it off them if possible. Seems like a good idea, and a good excuse to go back for my part. A trip to Harbor Freight for the tool I need, and I'm on my way.

I get back to the yard. Ask the guys there about the Metro.

Me: "What's up with the Geo that came in today?"

They: "You interested in buying it?"

Me: "Maybe"

They: "It's not for sale. The State of California owns it. It was turned in per the California Voluntary Accelerated Vehicle Retirement program. If you've owned a car at least two years, and it doesn't pass smog, they'll pay $1500 for it. All we can do is take off the wheels, gas tank and catalytic converter. Then we have to crush it. It gets crushed Tuesday."

URL: http://www.arb.ca.gov/msprog/avrp/avrp.htm

The sad thing is that it appeared to be running fine when it was following me. Seems a shame to see my tax dollars go to crush a perfectly good Metro, and driving up the cost of replacement parts for mine in the process.

The even sadder thing? It would probably cost far less to make that car pass smog with flying colors than it is costing to destroy it!

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Old 02-20-2012, 06:09 PM   #2
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Re: A sad thing...

Originally Posted by JoeBob View Post
So today, (well, actually yesterday) I am heading out to my local Ecology Auto Wrecking to pick up a suspension component for the Benz. As I'm driving out there, there is a nice looking, white 95-97 Metro following me. I turn toward the yard, it follows. I turn in to the parking lot, it follows. Then the driver pulls up to the area where people drop off cars they are getting rid of.

I go in, find what I'm looking for, but I don't have the right tools. As I leave, I noticed out of the corner of my eye that the Metro is now parked over in the area where they put the cars to be crushed.

I go home, tell the wife about it. She insists I need to go back, and find out its story, and maybe buy it off them if possible. Seems like a good idea, and a good excuse to go back for my part. A trip to Harbor Freight for the tool I need, and I'm on my way.

I get back to the yard. Ask the guys there about the Metro.

Me: "What's up with the Geo that came in today?"

They: "You interested in buying it?"

Me: "Maybe"

They: "It's not for sale. The State of California owns it. It was turned in per the California Voluntary Accelerated Vehicle Retirement program. If you've owned a car at least two years, and it doesn't pass smog, they'll pay $1500 for it. All we can do is take off the wheels, gas tank and catalytic converter. Then we have to crush it. It gets crushed Tuesday."

URL: http://www.arb.ca.gov/msprog/avrp/avrp.htm

The sad thing is that it appeared to be running fine when it was following me. Seems a shame to see my tax dollars go to crush a perfectly good Metro, and driving up the cost of replacement parts for mine in the process.

The even sadder thing? It would probably cost far less to make that car pass smog with flying colors than it is costing to destroy it!
Amen. This seems like a total waste.

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Old 02-21-2012, 05:01 AM   #3
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Re: A sad thing...

Oh come on...of course it's better for the environment to build a whole new car that is less efficient and dispose of the old car.

Man, that's a damned shame.
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Old 02-21-2012, 07:36 AM   #4
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Re: A sad thing...

CA pays consumers up to $500 under its Consumer Assistance Program towards emissions-related repairs if their car has failed smog testing.

The $1000-$1500 car retirement program is part of CAP, and is also described in the above link.
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Old 02-21-2012, 01:22 PM   #5
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Re: A sad thing...


two things...1 move out of cal and 2 change political parties
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