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Old 05-11-2010, 05:52 PM   #1
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9 on DVD

9 is another digital animation movie, kind of apocalypse, meets steam punk, meets World War II. It's a strange movie about the souls of the last survivors on Earth being transformed into little rag doll robots. I would like to go all bubbly over the thing for it's originality, but there are 2 hinge points about the movie that put me off.

First it's 1 hour and 12 minutes long, a normal movie runs 90 minutes minimum, with War of the Worlds 1958 running 87 minutes. I kind of feel ripped off in time.

Second and this is a spoiler, don't read beyond this if you want to see it. After the goal of the movie is achieved, to save the souls of all the friends the soul eater consumed, the souls are released to Heaven?

The reason they did this was Exec producer Tim Burton wanted to recreate the 9 minute short film the director made. Now if you've seen Nightmare Before Christmas and the missguided sequel Corpse Bride, Tim Burton likes to hang out with his old animation friends. Somehow this movie was like that, Tim and friends switching from claymation to digital animation.

Now here is another thing about the movie, it's old. It is a 2009 release, but if you watch the making of, all of the production equiptment is old. Like with allot of animation, deleted scenes are set up as story boards and not put into production if it's not in the final shooting script. Judging from the look of the actors and animation equiptment, this movie is 6 to 8 years old. The basic action and voice overs were shelved and then the digital animation was added in 2009. So with 6 to 8 years to sit on this movie, why could they not have given me my extra 18 minutes and an ending that matched with the goal of the movie?

I'm sorry to overanalyze this movie, I know I always push for digital animation to be bigger and more adult, but this movie let me down.

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Old 05-13-2010, 10:47 PM   #2
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Yeah , your comments are valid but I am not a fan of Tim Burton myself.
I think the movie was well passed it's prime when it was released and really needed to be redone and updated.

Just my thoughts.

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