6 people in a Geo Metro? Crossing that bridge tomorrow!
It started out with me and 2 friends deciding someday to take a 'road trip' to Vibank Saskatchewan; a conservative community of 270 people or so located about 30 miles southeast of my city, Regina.
Next thing I know, another friend took work off this upcoming weekend to tag along and 2 other friends of the original one invited are coming too. All to have a sleep-over at the house of the friend who declared riding 'shotgun'.
Of course, I'm all for it! Crazy stuff always happens when I drive during road trips (always bring a video-camera to capture the craziness). I can't wait for the fun to begin.
However, there are several large issues: My Geo seats a maximum of 4 people and it only has 55hp! 9hp for each 150 pound person. My gas mileage is going to suck! Big time. Moreover, how am I going to fit 6 people in my Geo Metro? Obviously I'm driving, Freakishly Tall Dude will be seated in front (due to his excessive legginess) so that means that the other 4 friends will have to be packed like sardines in the back! Lucky that I have tinted rear windows and Saskatchewan Law being that seat belts are required where available. AND all of the stuff that we will be needing for the trip will need to be stored in the tiny area behind the rear seat.
It sounds like a challenge! I'm sure we'll figure out a way (this coming from a guy that managed to pack all of his personal belongings from his university dormroom in a Pontiac Fiero... lets just say that the only way I could see out my passanger side mirror was through my turtle aquarium!). My rear bumper will be dragging on the ground tomorrow!
What kinds of crazy trips have you had with your cars?
- Peakster