Originally Posted by theholycow
Update your sig, it still says it's in the '86 VW.
No it doesn't. It says WVO powered. It is WVO powered - home brewed kit is being installed upon my many projects, tank is in, lines are run, I just need solenoids and some hose T's put in - the Frybrid system is in the Mercedes, need to finish installing the wiring harness and install hose T's. I could change the sig to home made WVO kit 9/10 installed.
I slung a timing belt on the VW, getting the WVO finished on it is the least of my worries. I'm in for a head swap if I ever get of work for an ample amount of time and there isn't more pressing issues that need tending to.
In the Mercedes I have a flat plate heat exchanger instead of the coiled heat exchanger. That system has a few hours work and it'll be up and going as the wiring harness is made, I just have to plug it in.