Originally Posted by Scott
Strange as it may sound...when the prices came down, it took a week for the price on the heating oil pump to go down.
How is that strange? They probably bought the fuel at a higher price. When the price later dropped do you think they got a rebate check from the House of Saud?
What's worse is when they bought fuel at a low price, mark it up for resale at their profit, then their cost for the next shipment goes up to more than the price for which they are currently selling. They buy for $1.50, sell at $1.75, their next load will cost them $2. They won't have enough made from this sale at $1.75 to pay for the next load, so they have to raise the sell price of fuel they have to pay for the next fuel they need to buy. You get annoyed.
They buy for $2, sell to you for $2.25, then their next load price drops back to $1.50. What do they do? They paid $2, do they resell that for $1.75?
And what if their cost of their next load had gone to $2.25 instead?
Nope, Not a business I'd like to be in, thank you very much.