New user, same problem: Fuelly is not calculating the tripometer value for whatever reason, which then kills off the MPG calculations, miles tracked, etc, making this all a waste of time. Before I invest too much time in this app, I want to make sure it's going to work correctly. So far I'm not impressed.
My first entry started at 453 on the odometer; last one at 1523, so I should have a total of 1,070 miles tracked, not 348. I believe the only entry I've made via the smartphone app is the 2/18/17 entry, which seems to be the only entry that has calculated an MPG value. Any entered from home are not performing correctly. My best guess is if you make after-the-fact entries not in true chronological order, the logic fails to go back and recalculate values, and thus you end up with holes. I'll welcome any helpful feedback.