Too many vehicle variations(mostly motorcycles) - Fuelly Forums

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Old 07-11-2018, 10:15 AM   #1
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Too many vehicle variations(mostly motorcycles)

I think we can all agree here that there are too many variations of models for motorcycles. These variations are just clogging up the lists, and it is just getting ridiculous. There are also way too many engine variations for cars, but that is less of a problem.

For example, lets look at the Honda NC700 X and S. This motorcycle is available both with and without ABS, and with or without a DCT transmission, plus combinations of the two options. Again, I think we can agree that ABS, which adds something like 2-6 pounds should just be a selectable option up above, like the submodels for cars.

We could probably simplify all the NC700's including X(adventure) and S(naked/standard) models using the same organization that is used for cars. The engine type dropdown could be used to differentiate manual vs DCT, the body style could be used to differentiate X vs S, and the submodel could be to differentiate ABS vs no ABS.

There are SEVEN different entries for NC700's, when there really only should be one. The NC700D(scooter) is probably different enough that it deserves its own vehicle entry.

There are also motorcycle listings that separate different generations by different vehicle entries. Sometimes this makes sense, sometimes it doesn't. Lets look back to cars. There are many different generations, body styles, and engines available in the Honda Accord, but there is only ONE vehicle entry for the accord. That is how it should be, very clutter free, easy to search through submodels and generations simply by selecting the year of the vehicle and using the dropdowns. Now just imagine if the accord had a separate entry for each different generation, body style, engine type, transmission type, etc. There would probably be 20+ different accord entries!

Here is when a different generation making a new vehicle makes sense(somewhat). Cars do this all the time and have one entry). In 1998, the VFR 800 was introduced, succeeding the previous VFR 750. Subsequent generations of the VFR 800 added VTEC, optional ABS, luggage, deluxe model, etc. So in this case, keep the VFR 750 and VFR 800 separate. So if you click on the VFR 800 entry, you should be seeing bikes from 1998 to current(excluding the period where they stopped production thinking the VFR 1200 would replace it.)

Another example, one of when different entries for generations don't make sense would be for the VFR 400. There are VERY FEW entries for VFR 400s. There are EIGHT VFR 400s on fuelly, yet there are three different vehicle entries. One is called VFR 400 NC30, another is called VFR400 NC30, and lastly(mine) is called VFR 400R. They are all VFR 400Rs, but not all of them are NC30s(model/generation designation). Mine is an NC21, so I didn't feel like putting my bike in the NC30 category, because it ISN'T an NC30. We should also avoid creating exclusive vehicle categories like this, so that people like me who have a different bike don't have to create a new category to fit it!

On to cars and their engine variations. Lets say we go into the 2005 honda accord page. In 2005 (in america....)there were three engine/drivetrain choices. A 2.4 liter Inline 4, a 3.0 liter V6, and a hybrid 3.0 liter V6. Accounting for the other countries' engine choices, there was also a 2.0 liter inline 4, and some diesel engine. This is also a point where it would make sense to separate different countries' cars, as the european honda accord was more similar to America's Acura TSX than our Honda Accord. As before, there are 5 legitimate engine choices. How many engine choices are actually there? Ten. Yes, TEN. There are super unspecific options like "GAS", and others which are a little too specific "K20 GAS", and then there are the slightly more specific but still not very useful "L4 GAS", and "V6 GAS". Great! Which L4 though? It could be a 2.0 or 2.4, which one? Some cars, such as the mazda 3 have more than one L4 engine, so just saying L4 is useless, since it could be the 2.0 or the 2.5.

Please, we need someone to address this. I can work to provide a list of SOME of the vehicles that need addressing, but I can't do everything. It should also be said that if an admin ready to address these problems is not in the least knowledgeable about a vehicle, they should ask for clarification or have someone advise them on how to go about reducing the variations, because there are legitimate variations out there that should be kept separate.

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Old 07-11-2018, 11:33 PM   #2
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I agree with almost everything you say, all we need really is engine size, fuel type, and transmission type as filters in my opinion. Easy and simple. I looked at the VW Jetta before and there were something like 52 engine choice filters.

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