Yeah, I hear you. It's nice to see all things you can change in all places, but in this case we have two competing things we're thinking about: 1.) keep the form as simple as possible, 2.) keep things consistant. We feel like keeping that form simple trumps consistency in this case.
Here's our thinking: for 90% of fuel-ups the time isn't important. The date is what matters. For those few cases where time is critical, such as two or more fuel-ups on the same day, folks can edit the fuel-ups to add the time. It's a little extra work for them in those cases, but it means less things for everyone to think about and fill out for the majority of cases.
If time is critical to you every time in all cases, you'll have some extra work to do, which is a bummer. But you can keep in mind that you're helping speed things up for a good number of other Fuelly users.