Originally Posted by Matt Timion
Looking for suggestions for the site. After I get the garage and gaslog back up we will be embarking on even more cool changes.
If you have any ideas please let me know and I'll get working on it asap.
How about an option for registered users to upload pictures directly into the forum threads (as some forum software allows)? If that is too much work given the current forum software, how about a "picture gallery" for registered users, where we can upload pictures related to what we are doing (and then link to those "gallery pictures" in our forum threads)?
As they say, "a picture is worth a 1000 words". Many times, a picture would be handy to illustrate something we are talking about. And IMHO doing a separate signup for some 3rd party hosting site, and then linking in the images is a PITA. Worse yet, those threads later break if/when the 3rd party hosting company changes their rules.
IMHO I much prefer the way
http://www.dslreports.com/forums/all (another forum site) handles pics (for registered users of their site). With DSLreports, you can actually upload the pics directly into the forum message you are posting, and they will be automatically "thumbnailed" in the message (with the hot link in the message bringing up the full pic). As I see it, this has several advantages: 1) It's "easy" for the (registered) forum member to upload the pics, as it's part of the forum software (not some process involving a 3rd party upload, followed by a hot link). 2) The pics are "thumbnailed", so that those on slower connections just (initially) see the smaller "thumbnail" of the pic, not have to download mult-megabytes of pics, just to read the text of the forum thread. 3) For anyone who does want to see the full pics, they are just a click away. 4) And since no "3rd party" is involved in hosting the pics, the forum threads don't "break" over time (as the pics are fully under the same hosting site doing the forums). 5) And finally, for the same "hosting" reason, the pics can be "moderated" by the forum moderators if/when needed (as they are uploaded into the same site).
Of course, this does require giving the users some (easy) way to upload pics to this site. And it also (potentially) involves some extra bandwidth/hosting costs for the pics. So it's not entirely free to do this.
But you did ask what would make the site more useful...