Hi, I just switched over from a competing fuelup site... Yours is better :-) However, here's a couple of things I noticed from a newbie's perspective (and from the perspective of someone who's used someone else for a couple years)... More inside.
1. When I open the "fuelchart"/"All Fuel-ups" view, the graph does not begin at the zero-line like the others before. That makes the graph inconsistent and busier than it needs to, imo. I think it would be better if it started at 0.
2. The "avg. price" of everything (per litre, fuelup total, per kilometer) displayed on the vehicle page does not really make sense being current-year by default, since the price of fuel changes so rapidly. It would make more sense to be over the last 3 months, imo.
3. Not displaying fuel consumption for partial fuel-ups is a no-brainer, but not displaying it for the full fuelup that follows is puzzling. I don't understand why you don't display consumption there, the site I was at previously did. I would think, all you need for that calculation is the full fuelup, the odo reading from the last full fuelup and all the partial fuelups that happened between.
4. When adding a photo of a car, it might be nice to get a preview of the thumbnail displayed in the overall stat widget. It appears the hood and trunk of my car get cut off, and I only found that out after applying the photo