Site is Miscalculating Miles Between Fuel-Ups!
Today I entered a fuel-up. When I hit return to complete it, ALL of my prior entries were recalculated and now show incorrect individual and average MPG. Until today's update, my average was over 45MPG, with the recent trend at 49.5MPG. Now it shows an average of 30+MPG. I tried updating the last entry, then deleting it; but the miscalculation persists. If you look at all the entries, the data is correct EXCEPT the calculated miles between fill-ups. Example: on 8/15 mileage was 44,128 mi.; on 8/23 it was 44,512 mi., a difference of 384 miles; but the site is calculating the miles travelled between as 281 miles; so calculated MPG is WAY below actual. Can this be fixed, or do I have to delete and re-enter all 20-some fuel-ups?