Rounding errors
I've imported my data on both the car's I've owned. I am proud to tell you that I have recorded every fuel filling I've ever done in my life. I think this is just the site for me!
However there are rounding errors. These are present when I export the data. Eg I import a filling of 37.000 litres, but it appears in "Basic stats" as 36.999 litres. It appears in the full log as "37.0" litres. If I Export the data, it comes out as 36.999 litres. :-(
Is it being stored in a table without enough precision, and/or is there a set of unnecessary conversion to gallons and back? If so please can this be set more accurately?
Even if I edit the fuelup and set it to 37.000, it immediately gets set back to 36.999.